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The sizes of these huts depends upon the facilities that may be afforded for making them, the number of natives, and the state of the weather. Bernard and Kilgour. The greater part of the servants at this establishment had been convicts, they were in a state of great insubordination.

"The subject isn't a very genteel one, Miss Kilgour, but orders are orders, and you'll have to excuse me." And Mr. Briggs kept snapping the elastic band nervously while he dictated, carefully looking away from the young woman. In such manner Kate Kilgour learned of the existence of Zelie Dionne and of the child whom Walker Farr had protected; Mr.

I tell you McFinlay and Co. were kept busy day and night for Sophy Braelands." Then Mistress Kilgour entered into a minute description of all Sophy's beautiful things, and Janet listened attentively, not only for her own gratification, but also for that of every woman in Pittendurie.

"No, and I am thinking nothing worse can come to the little mistress than the sorrow she is tholing now. I'll be back in an hour, Miss Kilgour." Thus it happened that it was late in the afternoon when Sophy returned to her home, and her rest had so refreshed her that she was more than usually able to hold her own with Madame.

Where was the lass married?" "In Edinburgh." We didn't want any talk and fuss about the wedding, and Braelands he said to me, 'Mistress Kilgour, if you will take a little holiday, and go with Sophy to Edinburgh, and give her your help about the things she requires, we shall both of us be your life-long debtors. And I thought Edinburgh was the proper place, and so I went with Sophy putting up a notice on the shop door that I had gone to look at the winter fashions and would be back to-day and here I am for I like to keep my word.

"So that's what he is a cheap, low-lived iceman!" Mrs. Kilgour came into her vestibule and led the way to the kitchen, for Farr stood irresolutely in the doorway, awaiting directions as to his burden.

But the marriage did not wait on the building; it was delayed no longer than was necessary for the making of the silk wedding-gown. This office Griselda Kilgour undertook with much readiness and an entire oblivion of Janet's unadvised allusions to her age.

"He is a lawyer. Them gentry have their fingers in every pie, hot or cold. However, I'm wishing them nothing but good. Madame is a constant customer. Come, come, Christina, you are not going already?" "I am hurried to-night. Mistress Kilgour. Mother is alone. Andrew is away to Greenock on business." "So you came back with Sophy. I am glad you did.

She had hardly done so when the train came thundering into the station, she stepped into it, and in a few minutes was flying at express rate to her destination. She had relatives in Edinburgh, and she thought she knew their dwelling place, having called on them with her Aunt Kilgour when they were in that city, just previous to her marriage.

Dodd's eyes were heavy, his face was flushed, and he lighted one cigarette after another with shaky hands. Shortly before nine o'clock Kate Kilgour came out and walked down the avenue on the way to her work. Dodd stared after her until she was out of sight.