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He knew that it was done in the highest places, but he knew his own place best. "We are not what you call the smart set," he said. "We are not Park Lane or Brook Street. But we are solid the professions the land and the church. No jinks in this house. And small tables is jinks. Not a dinner, but a kick-up." So Crewdson thought, and so he looked, but his master was flint.

"It's a 'R. I can tell by the funny little tail that kicks up behind. It's just like the 'B' for Brown in our name, only the R has a kick-up tail at the end. That letter is a 'R'; isn't it, Mother?" "Yes," answered Mrs. Brown. "But what is the whole word, Bunny? If you can tell what it is you'll know the secret."

"All serene; we'll be there, won't we, Wray? Not the first Guinea-pig kick-up we've been witness to, either." "Do you think Pembury will come?" asked Stephen, nervously. "Oh, rather. He'll have to report it in the next Dominican. I'll see he comes." "Oh, I think he needn't mind," said Stephen, with a queer shyness; "I could write out a report for him."

I'm satisfied with my kick-up and you needn't be afraid I'll break any more Commandments." "Where's Barney now?" demanded Archie suspiciously. "In jail in Buffalo, if you must know! They pinched him on an old case, so you needn't blame me. I tell you I'm clear done with him. Love that worm! He just gave me an excuse to let my blacksheep blood ripple a little and it's all over now.

I can yield everything but that." Where she was concerned he was the primitive man only. The higher his passion rose, the stronger became his desire for absolute possession. When she spoke of terms of the limitations upon his possession of her she transformed his passion into fury. He eyed her wickedly, abruptly demanded: "When did you decide to make this kick-up?" "I don't know.

Anna sat motionless, gazing at the disordered room, the pink bed, the trivial face among the pillows. Mrs. McTarvie-Birch pursued: "They had a fearful kick-up last spring I daresay you knew about it but I told Sophy she'd better lump it, as long as the old woman was willing to...As an artist, of course, it's perfectly impossible for me to have her with me..."

I'll meet her in the Mediterranean after my kick-up, and it'll be all O. K. Jacques and I will ride down through Spain to Gibraltar, and meet the Kismet there. I shall have got rid of this restlessness then, and I'll be glad enough to settle down, pose for throne and constitution, cultivate the olive branch, and have family prayers."

Overlooking my pertness he went on: "Mayor Shelby was at home with Mrs. Augusta for two hours after dinner and, as I came by the post-office, I heard him telling Polk in remarkably chastened, if not entirely chaste language, that it was 'better to let the women have their kick-up on a feeding proposition than on something worse, as he classically put it."

They'd be just as well satisfied to read about the latest kick-up in Mexico, or the scandal at Washington, or Mrs. Whoopdoodle's Newport dinner to the troupe of educated fleas. But it makes a lot of difference to E.M. Pierce, and he can make it a lot of difference to us. So long as he pays us good money, he's got a right to expect us to look out for his interests."

Apparently, beyond that kick-up of dust, a furlong below, all sorts of interesting things were happening. Lad's soft eyes took on a glint of eager curiosity; and he sniffed the still air for further clues as to the nature of the fun. A number of humans, to judge by the racket, were shouting and screaming; and the well-understood word, "dog," formed a large part of their clamor.