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"Have you the Keth I mean that with which I sent Songar into the nothingness?" she asked swiftly. "See what she's driving at?" O'Keefe spoke to me, swiftly. "Well I do! But here's where the O'Keefe lands. "I said," he turned to her, "O voice of silver fire, that your spirit is high even as your beauty and searches out men's souls as does your loveliness their hearts.

"Now is no time, Yolara, for one's own desires. This is my counsel. At the end of the three tal Lakla will come for our answer. Your men will be in ambush and they will slay her and her escort quickly with the Keth. But not till that is done must the three be slain and then quickly. With Lakla dead we shall go forth to the Silent Ones and I promise you that I will find the way to destroy them!"

Stay have you that little cone of the Keth with which you destroyed Songar?" She nodded, gazing at him, fascinated, fear and puzzlement contending. "Then use it." He took a vase of crystal from the table, placed it on the threshold that led into the garden. "Use it on this and I will show you." "I will use it upon one of the ladala " she began eagerly.

And consider, Larree, if the handmaiden, the choya comes, I can vanish so" the mocking head disappeared, burst forth again "and slay her with the Keth or bid my people seize her and bear her to the Shining One!" Tiny beads of sweat stood out on O'Keefe's forehead, and I knew he was thinking not of himself, but of Lakla. "What do you want with me, Yolara?" he asked hoarsely.

The frog-men reached down, swung each a dead dwarf in his arms, and filed, booming triumphantly away. And then I remembered the cone of the Keth which had slipped from Yolara's hand; knew it had been that for which her wild eyes searched. But look as closely as we might, search in every nook and corner as we did, we could not find it.

Yolara's face was white, her eyes strained but her voice was unshaken as she called to the clamouring guards: "It is nothing go to your places!" But when the sound of their return had ceased she stared tensely at the Irishman then looked again at the shattered vase. "It is true!" she cried, "but see, the Keth is alive!" I followed her pointing finger.

"And I feared that they would hasten to be first to bring you that message to delight in your joy. And so, Larree, I loosed the Keth upon them and gave them peace and rest within the nothingness. And the portal below was open almost in welcome!" Once more the malignant, silver pealing of her laughter. "What do you want with me?" There was wrath in his eyes, and plainly he strove for control.

Swift as the lithe white wolf hound she leaped, and one slender hand gripped Yolara's throat, the other the wrist that lifted the quivering death; white limbs wrapped about the hidden ones, I saw the golden head bend, the hand that held the Keth swept up with a vicious jerk; saw Lakla's teeth sink into the wrist the blood spurt forth and heard the priestess shriek.

There were no sparklings there. I turned it back again and there they were. And what were they like? Realization came to me they were like the little, dancing, radiant atoms that had played for a time about the emptiness where had stood Sorgar of the Lower Waters before he had been shaken into the nothingness! And that green light I had noticed the Keth!

"And I have seen men as many as those that are in your great chamber this many times over" he clenched his hands once more, perhaps a dozen times "blasted into nothingness before your Keth could even have touched them. Yea and rocks as mighty as those through which we came lifted up and shattered before the lids could fall over your blue eyes. And this is truth, Yolara all truth!