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There were footsteps on the path, and into sight came Rador but a Rador changed. Gone was every vestige of his mockery; curiously solemn, he saluted O'Keefe and Olaf with that salute which, before this, I had seen given only to Yolara and to Lugur. There came a swift quickening of the tumult died away. He shrugged mighty shoulders. "The ladala are awake!" he said.

Largely I was in the company of Rador. Together we two passed the green barriers into the dwelling-place of the ladala. They seemed provided with everything needful for life. But everywhere was an oppressiveness, a gathering together of hate, that was spiritual rather than material as tangible as the latter and far, far more menacing!

"Buck up, Larry keep your eyes on the captive Irish princess!" he muttered to himself. "Rador goes to meet one of the ladala who is slipping through with news," said the Golden Girl as we addressed ourselves to the food. "Then, with Nak, he and Olaf go to muster the Akka for there will be battle, and we must prepare.

"As it shrank multitudes of the fleeing people were led through Moon Pool Chamber and carried here. They were what now are called the ladala, and they were given place and set to work; and they thrived. Came many of the fair-haired; and they were given dwellings.

We were pacing down the length of the bridge, guards of the Akka beside us, others following with those companies of ladala that had rushed to aid us; in front of us the bandaged Rador swung gently within a litter; beside him, in another, lay Nak, the frog-king much less of him than there had been before the battle began, but living. Hours had passed since the terror I have just related.

"Not at all, Larry!" answered the handmaiden serenely. "Yolara went through the Portal. She was very, very angry " "She was all the devil's woman that she is!" rumbled Olaf. "Rador met the messenger," went on the Golden Girl calmly. "The ladala are ready to rise when Lugur and Yolara lead their hosts against us. They will strike at those left behind.

"At last came a slow, vast flood. It rolled even to the bases of the walled islets of the city of the gods and within these now were all that were left of my people on earth face. "I am of those people," she paused, looking at me proudly, "one of the daughters of the sun king whose seed is still alive in the ladala!" As Larry opened his mouth to speak she waved a silencing hand.

The structure, I had estimated, nevertheless, could not reach less than a thousand feet above its silvery base, and the diameter of its circular foundation was about the same. I wondered what was bringing the ladala into Lora, and where they were vanishing.

The red dwarf quivered, turned caught a robe from a priest standing by, and threw it over himself. The ladala, shouting, gesticulating, fighting with the soldiers, were jostling down from the tiers of jet. "Come!" commanded Yolara her eyes rested upon Larry. "Your heart is great, indeed my lord!" she murmured; and her voice was very sweet. "Come!"

Goodwin's exposition of the mechanism of the atomic engines was deleted, his description of the light-destroying screens has been deleted by the Executive Council. There were two favoured classes of the ladala the soldiers and the dream-makers. The dream-makers were the most astonishing social phenomena, I think, of all.