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The concealed table ComWeb murmured, "A caller requests to be connected with Major Quillan. Is it permitted?" "Oho!" Quillan said poisonously. "I suspected we should have stayed off circuit! Who's the caller?" "The name given is Keth Deboll." Quillan laughed. "Give the little wolf Major Quillan's regards and tell him it was a good try. I'll look him up tomorrow." He gave Trigger gentle wink.

"This," said Larry, "slays quicker than the Keth I take it so no harm shall come to the blue-eyed one whose name is Olaf. If I should raise it be you not in its way, Rador!" he added significantly. The dwarf nodded again, his eyes sparkling. He thrust a hand out to both of us. "A change comes," he said. "What it is I know not, nor how it will fall.

The Dweller drew back; the bell-sounds swelled. Lugur paused, his hand darted up, and in it was one of the silver Keth cones. But before he could flash it upon the Norseman, Larry had unlooped his robe, thrown its fold over Olaf, and, holding him with one hand away from the Shining One, thrust with the other his pistol into the dwarf's stomach. His lips moved, but I could not hear what he said.

But not to me in the light of what Russia has done and has proved herself capable, did this thing seem at all absurd; rather in it I sensed the dawn of catastrophe colossal. "And yet," he was quiet enough now, "I'm a bit scared. They've got the Keth ray and those gravity-destroying bombs " "Gravity-destroying bombs!" I gasped. "Sure," he said.

"With them and the Keth and gentle invisible soldiers walking around assassinating at will well, the worst Bolsheviki are only puling babes, eh, Doc? "I don't mind the Shining One," said O'Keefe, "one splash of a downtown New York high-pressure fire hose would do for it! But the others are the goods! Believe me!" But for once O'Keefe's confidence found no echo within me.

Energies we know nothing of entered into its shaping and are part of it; and still other energies it has gathered to itself" she paused; a shadow of puzzlement crept into her voice "and other energies still, forces that ye do know and symbolize by certain names hatred and pride and lust and many others which are forces real as that hidden in the Keth; and among them fear, which weakens all those others " Again she paused.

"So, Larree you thought you could go from me so easily!" She laughed softly. "In my hidden hand I hold the Keth cone," she murmured. "Before you can raise the death tube I can smite you and will.

"But, Larree," objected Rador to this, "you forget that the nobles will have the Keth and other things; also that the soldiers have fought against the Akka before and will be shielded very well from their spears and clubs and that their blades and javelins can bite through the scales of Nak's warriors. They have many things " "Uncle," interjected O'Keefe, "one thing they have is your nerve.

She clapped her hands; whispered to the maid who answered her summons, and then sat back regarding us, maliciously. "You have answered me as to your strength but you have not proved it; but the Keth you have answered. Now answer this!" she said. She pointed out into the garden. I saw a flowering branch bend and snap as though a hand had broken it but no hand was there!

These were to attack when the Murians debauched from the corials. We had little hope of doing more here than effect some attrition of Yolara's hosts, for at this place the captains of the Shining One could wield the Keth and their other uncanny weapons freely.