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That somewhere in this neighborhood the Saviour suffered cannot be doubted, and within that closed wall may have been the very spot where he bowed in his agony, and where he heard the tongue of Judas utter his treacherous "Rabbi!" and where he felt the serpent-breath of the traitor as that traitor kissed him."

Judas ran to Jesus and kissed him, saying, "Hail, Master!" Jesus answered, "Well, friend what have you come to do?" Then a band of men laid their hands on Jesus, and held him so that he could not escape. Peter was wide-awake by now. He had brought a sword with him. Pulling it out, he cut off the ear of a man in the crowd. Jesus said to Peter: "Put your sword away.

Several voices echoed the fierce appeal, but amongst the wild cries for revenge, the ear of Lycidas, and the ear of the leader also, caught the maiden's faint exclamation, "Oh, Judas, have mercy! spare him!" Still the extended hand of the chief alone kept back the fierce band who would have cut down their defenceless victim.

To the civil trial of our Lord there is a sad appendix, as we have already had one to the ecclesiastical trial. Christ's great confession in the palace of the high priest was accompanied by the great denial of Peter outside; and the proceedings in the court of Pontius Pilate were accompanied by the final act of the treachery of Judas.

"Of course you would, or any other preacher, if he's a man." Mrs. Mayfield was looking at Jim and he sat illumined beneath her gaze. "Your compliments are all so new and strange to me," she said. "And in them I can find no flattery." "Ma'm, I have never tried to flatter any one. Judas was a flatterer."

Lindau makes a first-rate Judas, and Beaton has got a big thing in that head if he works the religious people right. But what I was thinking of was this it struck me just as I was going out of the door: Didn't you tell me Lindau knew forty or fifty, different languages?" "Four or five, yes." "Well, we won't quarrel about the number.

Suppose Judas had answered the question, and, gathering himself up, had looked his Master in the face, and said 'What have I come for? 'I have come to betray Thee for thirty pieces of silver! Do you not think that putting his guilt into words might have moved even him to more salutary feelings than the remorse which afterwards accompanied his tardy discernment of what he had done?

Orlando will bring but a small band with him; you, when you meet him, will have secretly your whole army at your back. You surround him; and who receives tribute then?" The new Judas had scarcely uttered these words, when the delight of him and his associate was interrupted by a change in the face of nature.

Monsieur Rabourdin, a king among men! If such men are spies, it is enough to disgust one with virtue. I have always put Rabourdin among Plutarch's heroes." Vimeux. "It is all true." Fleury. "I say he is a Judas Iscariot. Who is he?" Phellion. "I have no proof of it, gentlemen. While you were gone, that young man, Monsieur de la Roche, nearly fainted here. See his tears on my desk!" Poiret.

A singular succession of great men arise to save and revive and reform religion in every critical epoch. Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Ezra, Judas Maccabeus come upon the stage, one after the other, perform their several parts with singular aptitude, and prepare the way for the next movement when it comes due.