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Perhaps through Jennet I may be able to detect their disguises. At all events, I will keep a sharp look-out. Affairs are now drawing to a close, and I have only, like a wary and experienced fowler, to lay my nets cleverly to catch the whole covey." And with these ruminations, he likewise went forth into the base court.

Having mounted the jennet, they conducted me through the town to a fair field, where a tent was provided for me, having the ground spread with Turkey carpets. The castle discharged a peal of ordnance, and every thing necessary was brought to my tent, where I had convenient table and lodging, and had other tents for the accommodation of my servants.

She could not be so beautiful without some such aid." "That shows how little yo knoaw about it," replied Jennet. "Alizon is os good as she's protty, and dunna yo think to wheedle me into sayin' out agen her, fo' yo winna do it. Ey'd dee rayther than harm a hure o' her heaod." "Very praiseworthy, indeed, my little dear," replied Potts, ironically.

"She is suspected of bewitching Richard Assheton, who has been done to death by Jennet Device. For one so young, the little girl has certainly a rare turn for mischief. But no one will know the real author of the crime, and Alizon will suffer for it." "Heaven will not suffer such iniquity," said the lady.

On bounded the Spanish jennet, on rattled the boy rider.

"Ill at ease, Jennet," replied Nance, with a bitter look; "boh it ill becomes ye to jeer me, lass, seein' yo're a born witch yoursel." "Aha!" cried Potts, looking at the little girl, "So this is a born witch eh, Nance?" "A born an' bred witch," rejoined Nance; "jist as her brother Jem here is a wizard.

Thy daughter or another, it matters not but not Jennet." "I embrace the alternative," cried Mistress Nutter. "It must be done upon the instant," said the voice. "It shall be," replied Mistress Nutter. And, stretching her arm in the direction of the mansion, she called in a loud imperious voice, "Dorothy Assheton, come hither!"

"She has broken the bondage by which she was enchained, and, if she resists temptation to the last, I am assured will be saved." "Heaven aid her!" exclaimed Richard. Scarcely were the words uttered, than the cat disappeared. "Why, Tib! where are yo, Tib? Ey want yo!" cried the little girl in a low tone. But the familiar did not respond to the call. "Where con he ha' gone?" cried Jennet; "Tib!

Lord Wellington's hounds threw off regularly twice a week; and here might be seen every imaginable species of equipment, from the artillery officer mounted on his heavy troop horse, to the infantry subaltern on a Spanish jennet. Never was anything more ludicrous than our turn-out. Every quadruped in the army was put into requisition.

"Then we shall march thither, for I would fain have you all back at Dax in time to be in the prince's vanguard." "My lord," cried Alleyne, joyfully, "here are our chargers in the field, and I see your harness amid the plunder which these rogues have left behind them." "By Saint Ives! you speak sooth, young squire," said Du Guesclin. "There is my horse and my lady's jennet.