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Little Jennet watched her sister's triumphant departure with a look in which there was far more of envy than sympathy, and, when her mother took her hand to lead her forth, she would not go, but saying she did not care for any such idle sights, went back sullenly to the inner room.

"Oh!" cried the little girl, falling suddenly backwards. "What's the matter?" demanded Alizon, flying to her. "Ey dunna reetly knoa," replied Jennet. "She's seized with a sudden faintness," said Harrop. "Better she should go home then at once. I'll find somebody to take her." "Neaw, neaw, ey'n sit down here," said Jennet; "ey shan be better soon."

"Poor Jennet is ensnared by the Fiend," murmured the maiden, "and will perish eternally. Would I could save her!" "It cannot be," replied the young man. "She is beyond redemption." The little girl gnashed her teeth with rage. "But my mother I do not now despair of her," said Alizon.

"Whoy should yo be better than me?" "Ah! why, indeed?" cried Alizon. "Would I had the power to turn your heart to open your eyes to evil to save you, Jennet." These words were followed by another clang, louder and more brattling than the first.

He then proceeds to give him some advice, by which he is likely to find favour in the King's eyes. He tells him to wear a bushy ruff, well starched; and after various other directions as to his dress, he concludes, 'but above all things fail not to praise the roan jennet whereon the King doth daily ride. In this picture King James is represented on the identical roan jennet.

The bearer of the intelligence was little Jennet, who said she had been caught in the ruins by the storm, and after being dreadfully frightened by the lightning, had seen a bolt strike the steeple, and heard some stones rattle down, after which she ran away.

Changing then his clothes, he rode a Naples courser, a Dutch roussin, a Spanish jennet, a barded or trapped steed, then a light fleet horse, unto whom he gave a hundred carieres, made him go the high saults, bounding in the air, free the ditch with a skip, leap over a stile or pale, turn short in a ring both to the right and left hand.

Her surprise had disappeared, her pique had gone, but a very great interest in the incident of my passing this spot at the moment of her being there was plainly evident. As I gazed at her my blood ran warmer through my veins, and there came upon me a feeling of the olden time of the days when the brave cavalier rode up to the spot where, waiting for him, his lady sat upon her impatient jennet.

Lord Dalgarno's grooms were in attendance with two horses, and the young men mounted, the proprietor upon a favourite barb, and Nigel upon a high-dressed jennet, scarce less beautiful. As they rode towards the theatre, Lord Dalgarno endeavoured to discover his friend's opinion of the company to which he had introduced him, and to combat the exceptions which he might suppose him to have taken.

And then on he rambled about the family, and its ancient greatness, and his father that began to enlarge the house, and himself that stopped the building as a sinful waste; and this put it in my head to give him Jennet Clouston's message. "The limmer!" he cried.