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"That was many years ago," said the Arab with a start of recognition at the name of the dead explorer, "I have changed since." With a wave of the hand he strode to the river's edge and half-an-hour later he and the remnant of his band were out of sight round a bend in the upper river. At almost the same instant the boys soared aloft in the Golden Eagle II, and the chase for the ivory was on.

He studies the wishes of the man who is to pay. He is not the one who says: "Take it, or leave it." The agent of one of the largest English firms on the Ivory Coast, one that started by trading in slaves, said to me: "Our largest shipment to this coast is gin.

The vivid scarlet of the flowers, the gleam of the shining shells on the walls, the mournful figure of the ivory Christ stretched on the cross among all those pagan emblems, the intense silence broken only by the slow drip, drip of water trickling somewhere behind the cavern, and more than these outward things, his own impressive conviction that he was with the imperial Dead imperial because past the sway of empire all made a powerful impression on his mind.

She joyously submitted to his caresses, till sleep again overpowered him, and his little hands fell back upon the bed. She lingered a short time longer, with her brow resting on the ivory of the couch, praying for this child and his brother and sister. When she rose again her cheeks were wet with tears, and she pressed her hand upon her breast.

The Chronicles of the Acts of S. Mark in Aquileia, which are earlier than the eleventh century, say that it was covered with ivory plaques, "utique antiquo," but the large amount of carving upon it leaves little space for the attachment of further ornament. Its history seems quite clear.

Umbogo was very intelligent, and he took a great interest in all my plans for establishing free trade throughout the country: but he told me privately that he thought the idea would be opposed secretly by Kabba Rega, who would wish to monopolize all the ivory trade, in order to keep up the price, and to obtain the whole of the merchandise.

I did ask the Sheikh, some time after, at Usenye, and he said he would see about it when we reached Kaze. Just as we were preparing to leave Ujiji, by great good fortune some supplies were brought to us by an Arab called Mohinna, an old friend whom we formerly left at Kaze, and who had now followed us here to trade in ivory.

There were no people to sell though the granaries were crammed, and it was impossible to prevent the slaves from stealing. 3rd-4th October, 1867. When Chikongo heard Tipo Tipo's message about buying ivory he said, "And when did Tipo Tipo place ivory in my country that he comes seeking it?" Yet he sent a tusk and said "That is all I have, and he is not to come here."

Although the tribe had been suffering from famine, the chief treated his visitors with all the hospitality in his power. Some Benguela traders had come up to Sesheke, intending probably to return from the Batoka country to the east with slaves; but the Makololo, however, had secured all the ivory in that region.

Long he abode in that chamber looking at the arras, and wondering whether the sitter in the ivory throne would be any other than the thrall in the greenwood cot. He abode there so long that the dusk began to gather in the house, and he could see the images no more; for he was filled with the sweetness of desire when he looked on them.