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If one could only be quite different, and simple say a small child, a boy with bare feet, with a fishing-rod in his hands, his mouth yawning good-naturedly. Only children really live. I envy them frightfully. I envy frightfully the simple folk, the altogether simple folk, remote from these cheerless comprehensions of the intellect. Children live only children.

There's nothing sound in him except his intellect. I wish you'd never known him. He's been the cause of all your your suffering, and Lucy's too. You might have been married long ago if it hadn't been for him." "No, Kitty. I don't think that." "You might, really. If he hadn't been in the way she would have known that she cared for you and let you know it, too.

"Well, this is a bad state of affairs indeed, and especially the condition of the poor whites," said Carlton. "You see," replied Snyder, "no white man is respectable in these slave states who works for a living. No community can be prosperous, where honest labour is not honoured. No society can be rightly constituted, where the intellect is not fed.

This advantage, that there should not be a diminution of the superabundant plenty of associates always at hand, to assist each man in making the most of his native intellect for its least worthy use, has been from age to age secured to our populace, as if it had been the most valuable birthright of Englishmen.

But it is funny to see how he does not know how this heart and this intellect are enshrined. It was decided to return to the neighborhood of Boston, and for a short time the family remained in West Newton: November 28. MY DEAR ELIZABETH, Here we are, in possession of Mary Mann's house and effects.

At the same time, there were defects in his intellect and character which are perceptible in what he wrote, as well as in what he did. He had the Gallic wit in great measure, but he was absolutely devoid of any sense of humor.

The chemistry of the body changes with time and emotional experiences. Affinity of bodily contact only, resulting from a congeniality of sense-appetites, is therefore necessarily short lived. Affinity of intellect is much more lasting, because it approaches a state higher in the ascent to the spiritual center of the cosmos. Thought is the parent of speech, or of any external appeal to the senses.

I think not. "Her voice, her dear voice was so odd; but, Mon Dieu! how wonderful in its courage! That, Heaven be praised! is no monopoly of intellect. Indeed, it is imagination that makes men cowards; and to the lack of this possibly we owed our salvation.

His honest head was very nearly empty, his intellect like a child's; and when he read his favourite authors, he can almost never have understood what he was reading. Yet the taste was not only genuine, it was exclusive; I tried in vain to offer him novels; he would none of them, he cared for nothing but romantic language that he could not understand. The case may be commoner than we suppose.

I will, therefore, present a series of principles, sentiments, and obligations, which, by being lodged in the intellect, and quickened by the Spirit, warm the heart, and awaken appropriate feelings; thus forming not only the basis, but a constituent part, of an efficient system of benevolence.