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My father sought to instil into me an admiration for the dignity of trade, because he wished me to become a merchant in time, with mayhap the Mayoralty in perspective.

They were often thrown into each other's society, and Law seized every opportunity to instil his financial doctrines into the mind of one whose proximity to the throne pointed him out as destined, at no very distant date, to play an important part in the government. Shortly before the death of Louis XIV, or, as some say, in 1708, Law proposed a scheme of finance to Desmarets, the Comptroller.

And the very idea of having you to care for under my roof would force me to moderate my expenses and live like a Christiannot to speak of all the prudence and virtue you would instil into my mind by your wise counsels and sweet, attractive goodness.’ ‘But it is not that,’ said I; ‘it is not money my aunt thinks about. She knows better than to value worldly wealth above its price.’

Plant not the pliant osier, but the firmer elm. Instil principles of severe reasoning, and form habits of connected thought. Is she rich in imagination? Madam de Stael tells us she is, that this is the chief of her faculties, and that "her sentiments are troubled by her fancies, and her actions dependent on her illusions." If this be so, then strengthen her judgment.

While regulated strictly by the principles of Revelation, it should be employed in the acquisition of property, as a means of usefulness. But it is a common opinion, that money may be made solely for the sake of accumulation. Parents instil the idea into the minds of children, so that they grow up with the conviction, that the great end of life is the procuring of wealth.

I wish, sir, you would play your pranks on somebody else," said Hippias, sternly, as he sank back on the sofa. "You've done me up for the day, I can assure you." Adrian sat down to instil belief by gentle degrees, and put an artistic finish to the work.

Thus you will be able to control his mind and to instil within his mind pure and upright desires. Within your home is the place to shine for God. There is no greater field of labor. A Christian mother's influence among the young can not be too highly valued. No one can fill your place in the hearts of your children. Another can provide their temporal needs, but nobody can take the place of Mother.

While saying this, I must urge parents at home never if they value the eternal happiness of their children if they wish them to imbibe right principles, and to avoid pernicious ones to commit them to the charge of persons, however decent in their behaviour, who are not likely, from their want of education, to be able to instil them.

The land on either side of the river was covered with immense forests of unknown trees, which appeared to team with living things, feathered and quadruped, making a roar sometimes, which was sufficient to instil terror into the stoutest heart.

In short, he endeavoured to instil into my breast the patriotic principle of disinterested love of country. Although he was himself a man of business and of the world, he never failed to hold up for my example, those heroes who had lived and died alone for their country.