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A most trivial call of attention, a rustling or breath of an accident of novelty, nevertheless, is enough to put instant action and fire into these ranged masses of ice-congealed or stone statue-like warriors, who will then rush down upon the attractive object headlong, one falling over the other, until their childish curiosity being satisfied, the wild tumult subsides, and they themselves sink into their wonted blank inanity.

Uttering pompous discourses of inanity, ensnaring by the lusts of the flesh, by lascivious impurities, those who had truly escaped from such as live in a course of delusion. Preaching liberty to them, while they themselves are the slaves of corruption: for by whatever a man is overcome, by that also he is enslaved.

As if secret voices were debating his destiny. Restless, vicious spoken, venting his strainings in a skyrocket burst of phrases upon the inanity and stupidity of his fellow creatures for which he seemed to possess an almost uncanny vision, he fled through these days like the victim of some spiritual satyriasis.

The old pride of the Latin national religion the moderation of its economic demands was irrevocably gone. Theology At the same time its ancient simplicity also departed. Theology, the spurious offspring of reason and faith, was already occupied in introducing its own tedious prolixity and solemn inanity into the old homely national faith, and thereby expelling the true spirit of that faith.

Gorrick was blue, but determined. "I say! Did I go in all right then?" inquired Gorrick. "How the dickens do I know?" said Spencer, stung to fresh wrath by the inanity of the question. "Spencer did," said Thomas, appearing in the water below them and holding on to the rail. "Look here!" cried Spencer; "did you shove me in then?" "Me! Shove!" Thomas's voice expressed horror and pain.

"A bit demoralising at midday," Lance murmured without conviction. "Well, I am demoralised; dead damned done for. I'm about to be honoured with a blooming medical certificate to that effect. As a soldier, I'm extinct from this time forth for evermore. You see before you the wraith of a Might-Have-Been. After that gold-medal exhibition of inanity, kindly produce said pegs!"

The odor of corpses disgusts me less than the miasmas of egotism that exhale from every mouth. The sight of the ruins is as nothing in comparison with the great Parisian inanity. With a very few exceptions it seemed to me that everybody ought to be tied up. Half the population wants to strangle the other half, and VICE VERSA. This is clearly to be seen in the eyes of the passers-by.

When she opened her mouth it was only to be abominably rude in harsh tones to the associate of her reprobate father; and the full approval of her aged relative was conveyed to her by offensive chuckles. If not that, then her remarks, always uttered in the tone of scathing contempt, were of the most appalling inanity. How could it have been otherwise?

But she can do without fools; she has a fine, strongly built figure, an upright carriage, a large and broad forehead, a firm chin, and features which, though well-marked and well-moulded, are yet delicate in outline and sensitive in expression. Very young men seldom take to Daphne: she lacks the desired inanity. But she has mind, repose, and womanly tenderness.

Can I not find any word, is there nothing I can do or say now or at any time, to make men see it? Why, you take it for granted I have taken it for granted all my days that money should belong to the brutal rich to squander in whatever inanity may please them! But it never dawns upon you that this money is the toil of the human race!