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There were borne from the nearest wigwams of the Illini the screams of wounded men, the shrieks of terrified women. In an instant the peaceful spot had become the scene of a horrible confusion. Once more the wolves of the woods, the Iroquois, had fallen on their prey! Swift as had been Law's movements, Pembroke was but a pace behind him as he wrenched free his blade.

That was as it should be; the fine arts medicine, law, religion, and finance recognized as aristocratic; four Yankees democratically chatting with but ruling the Ohioans and Illini and Swedes and Germans who had ventured to follow them. The town was as heterogeneous as Chicago. Norwegians and Germans owned stores. The social leaders were common merchants.

At the little village they first visited they received hospitable treatment. Its inmates are known in our early history as 'the Illini' a word signifying men. The euphonic termination added by the Frenchmen gives us the name Illinois.

The cowardly Illini fled down the river; had they remained here we would have driven the vermin out before this, for 'tis said they fight well with white leaders." I made no reply, and the man disappeared into the darkness, closing the heavy door behind him, and leaving me alone. I made it secure with an oaken bar, and sank down before the fire on a great shaggy bear skin.

I understood his thoughts, his desire to aid his comrades; but, for a moment, my mind was a blank. I could not let him go, alone, to almost certain death. No, nor would he abandon me on such a mission! Was there no other way by which we could serve? Suddenly a thought crept into my mind. "Monsieur," I asked breathlessly, "where do you suppose those Illini Indians to be?"

Now so it happened that at length, after a long though rapid journey down the great river, they came to that stream which they took to be the river of the Illini.

The fiends have been a week in this valley, and have swept all clear of our Indian allies; now they can bring their full force against the fort." "No doubt you are right." "'Twas my judgment, at least, and we sought help when we ran into you. What Indians have you?" "Illini, mostly, with a handful of Miamis and Kickapoos. We met them at the crossing, hiding in the hills.

We shall, provided we reach the Divine River, as I should guess by the stories I have heard, be then below the Illini, the Ottawas and the Miamis, with I know not what tribes from west of the Messasebe. 'Tis for you to say, Monsieur L'as, but for my own part and 'tis but a hazard at best I would say remain here, or press on to the river of the Illini."

You may find a winter alone in the wilderness a bit dull for you, mayhap duller than were it in London, or even in Quebec. Yet 'twill pass, and in time we shall meet again. Perhaps some good father will be wishing to come back with me to set up a mission among the Illini.

"Tell him," said he to Pierre Noir, "that we are all English, and that we are not afraid; and that if we are harmed, the armies of Corlaer will destroy the Iroquois, even as the Iroquois have the Illini. Tell him that we will go back with him to the settlements because we are willing to go that way upon a journey which we had already planned.