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The modern Greek woman indeed appeared to me, upon the whole, about the most ill-favored I have met with in any country. And it attests the sef-consistency of Mr.

One morning as he sat idle in his dismantled studio, Marina came to tell him that an old woman, waiting at the door below, wished to speak with him. "Well, let her come up," said Ferris wearily, and presently Marina returned with a very ill-favored beldam, who stared hard at him while he frowningly puzzled himself as to where he had seen that malign visage before. "Well?" he said harshly.

"Some men eat more an' some less," remarked Sarah Jane, as ill-favored a spinster as ever the sun shone on; "generally it means so much grub ter so much weight." Miss Abigail glanced up at the ceiling, while Lazy Daisy, who had refused to tip the beam for ten years, surreptitiously hid an apple into which she had been biting.

It seemed to him that he had never seen a man more ill-favored, or villainous-looking. Situated as he was, it seemed, on second thought, rather a joke to Carl to be attacked by a robber. He had but twenty-five cents in good money about him, and that he had just picked up by the merest chance. "Do I look like a banker?" he asked, humorously. "Why do you want to rob a boy?"

Upon all but one did silence fall. Thersites, bandy-legged, round-shouldered, lame of one foot, with ugly head covered with scanty stubble, most ill-favored of all men in the host, would not hold his peace. Shrilly he poured his upbraidings upon Agamemnon. "What lackest thou now?" he cried. "Surely thy huts are full of the spoils we have brought to thee each time we have taken a town.

Uncle spake sharply to him, and bid him hold his peace, but he only cried out the louder. Some young men then took hold of him, and carried him out. They brought him along close to my seat, he hanging like a bag of meal, with his eyes shut, as ill-favored a body as I ever beheld. The magistrates had him smartly whipped this morning, and sent out of the jurisdiction.

"Bunny, he was a miserable little undersized wretch ill-favored servile surly and second only to his master in bestial cunning and hypocrisy. His face was enough for me; that was what I read in it, and I don't often make mistakes.

"I fretted inwardly all the way from C . All well at home?" And then the two gentlemen entered the carriage, Theodore waiting to give the order, "Home, Jacob." And he had not a thought of the ill-favored urchin who had once tumbled up on the driver's seat of a carriage similar to this one, and peered down curiously at the boy Pliny inside.

"Well, well!" he said: "Young Quiney is a so-so choice, since women must necessarily condescend to intermarrying with men. But he is far from worthy of her. Tell me, now, was there ever a rarer piece of beauty?" "The wench is not ill-favored," was the dark lady's unenthusiastic answer. "So! but who is she?" He replied: "She is my daughter.

"Our old Anglo-Saxon breed, the best in the whole world!" how much that is harsh and ill-favored there is in this best! Wragg!