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In less time than it takes to tell the boys had succeeded in igniting the green wood, and had applied the blower before the smoke had had a chance to get out into the room. The fire danced and glowed, while its leaping flames sent fantastic shadows playing hide and seek around the room.

Van Horn, regarding the shore for some sign of life, lighted a cigar and put one hand to the waist-line of his loin-cloth to reassure himself of the presence of the stick of dynamite that was tucked between the loin- cloth and his skin. The lighted cigar was for the purpose, if emergency arose, of igniting the fuse of the dynamite.

He saw, by the motion of Mr. Damon's lips, what the latter had said. Around swung the propeller blades. The gasoline vapor in the cylinders was being compressed. "Contact!" called Tom sharply, as he pressed the switch to give the igniting spark at the proper moment.

'It will now be necessary to light my lantern; I can do so with safety, said the robber. And igniting a match, he lighted a dark lantern which he had brought with him. Dr. Sinclair then, for the first time, distinctly beheld the features of his midnight companion; and he started with horror for the most diabolically hideous countenance he had ever seen or dreamed of in his life, met his gaze.

What weight of magnetite must be taken for analysis in order that, after precipitating and igniting all the iron to Fe O , the percentage of Fe O in the sample may be found by multiplying the weight in grams of the ignited precipitate by 100? !Answer!: 0.9665 gram. If exactly 12.6 cc. of the mixture are required, how many grams of MgCl per liter does the solution contain?

The Hale's rockets, as usual, rushed through the houses without igniting them; but a few of the powerful Egyptian rockets that are used as fireworks, rapidly lighted up the scene, as the descending fire-balls ignited the thatched roofs. These rockets were fired from an inclined rest of a soldier's fixed bayonet. Having cleared the neighbourhood, I returned to the diahbeeah at midnight.

The devoted quartette succeeded in placing their blasting charges and igniting the fuses under a heavy fire, not only from the loopholed gate, but also from the walls, but in so doing they were so severely wounded that after they had lighted the fuses they were unable to effect their escape, and received further severe injuries when the explosion occurred and the gate was blown off its hinges.

At home four walls ... Coldness ... The miner, Bitska, making jokes all day in the rain ... the fuse to be lighted in the quarry, the slow igniting to be watched. Thirty years had been lived ... five- tenths of his life ... a half ... ten-twentieths. It was like a blank cartridge ... no kindness ... a life without feeling ... all blank ...

The crackling sound of the flames increased, and thin wreaths of smoke found their way in through the crevices between the woodwork and the rock; still the stout door resisted the fire, which we began to hope might burn itself out without igniting our defences. We could hear the voices of the Indians outside. They were, we guessed, piling up more fagots, as the others had burned down.

There was only one staircase, by which some hundreds of troops had to find access and egress. A curious fact was that the fumes of the spirit had eaten so into the woodwork, which was generally worm-eaten and rotten, that to strike a light near it was to incur the danger of igniting it and burning the building down.