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And at the end of the long stick, at the back, is another runner, and this moves, and has a handle to it like the rudder on a boat. They steer the ice-boat with this handle. "And where the two big sticks cross they put up the tall mast and make the sail fast to that. Then when the wind blows it sends the ice-boat over the ice as fast as anything." "It sure does go fast," said Tommy Todd. "Look!

We are going into the open water! Back all of you!" They leaped back, fairly tumbling over each other in their efforts to escape the water, which crept up to their feet without warning. As they pushed themselves back they naturally sent the Fiver flying forward, and an instant later they heard a crashing of ice and saw the ice-boat topple over into the water and disappear from view!

George and Ben Lund, in their new-fashioned centre-wheel, made poorer progress, but hurried out "to get ahead of the skimmin'-dish," as they styled La Salle's light, shallow craft. He let them go, and stationing George and Regnar in the ice-boat, put out his floating decoys in the nearest waters, and, cutting slabs of ice, built a high wall around his own boat, which he drew up on the ice.

As he stood over the giant, gallantly waiting for him to rise, he discovered that the rules of scientific combat were not observed in the woods. A half-dozen brawny woodsmen leaped upon him, seized him, threw him down, tied his arms and legs with as little ceremony as if he were a calf, and tossed him upon the ice-boat.

All too soon Parker, craning his neck where he lay on the ice-boat, heard an ominous buckling and crackling of ice, and saw his faithful Swogon disappear below the surface of the lake, her mighty splash sending the water gushing like a silvery geyser into the moonlight.

Then the ice-boat, not having such a heavy load aboard, settled down on the ice again, and started to run away, or, rather, blow away. Right before the wind it flew, and Flossie and Freddie, being well tucked in among the robes and blankets were not spilled out. They stayed on board; and Mr.

The main rope had been partly severed, and the strain of the hard blow had done the rest. "That fellow we saw near the ice-boat!" began Harry. "It must have been him! Who was he?" "Danny Rugg if anybody," answered Bert. "I thought it looked like him. Probably he heard that we were going to use the boat to go to Snow Lodge, and he wanted to make trouble for us.

Bobbsey, sitting up after he had slid some distance across the ice, saw the Bird scooting down the lake, carrying his two smaller twins with it. "Oh, the ice-boat is running away with Flossie and Freddie!" cried Nan, as she, too, saw what had happened. While Mr. and Mrs.

And I haven't seen an ice-boat since we came here, except in moving pictures. I wonder how Tommy Todd is making out with mine." "Hasn't he written to you?" asked Nan. "No; but he promised he would. Guess I'll write him a postal now and ask him how the Bird is sailing." "And I'll write to some of the girls in Lakeport," said Nan. I had forgotten to tell you that some time before this, Mr.

But if it comes down before we get there we'll have hard work to keep on in the ice-boat. Even a little snow on the ice will clog the runners." So the skating idea was given up, and soon they were under way in the ice-boat again. The clouds grew darker, and there were a few scattering flakes of snow. "I guess we're going to be in for it," said Bert.