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You have made it difficult for me to explain myself. I hardly know how to say it; but it must be said. You have mistaken my intentions, mistaken them altogether." It was now Mrs Grey's turn to change colour. She asked in a trembling voice: "Do you mean to say, Mr Hope, that you have not been paying attentions to Hester Ibbotson?"

If not true, the rumour should not be allowed to spread. If you know anything certainly, one way or the other, pray tell us. "Yours affectionately, "Margaret Ibbotson."

We couldn't beat back to Brest now in three days." "Perhaps we shall make some other port in France," suggested Little, with a sickly smile. "What! steering south-west by west? Not much! I tell you we are homeward bound." "Nonsense! Not unless we are going by the way of Cape Horn, Behring's Straits, and the North-west Passage! Keep cool, Ibbotson; we shall come out right yet." "But we are sold.

They proceeded to catches at last; and when people really fond of music get to singing catches in a summer-house, who can foresee the end? "`Fair Enslaver!" cried Mr Enderby. "You must know `Fair Enslaver: there is not a sweeter catch than that. Come, Miss Ibbotson, begin; your sister will follow, and I "

She herself would send for Miss Ibbotson whenever it should be proper for Mrs Enderby to admit strangers. Margaret replied that she must see Phoebe that she should not retire till she had spoken to her, or till Mr Rowland's return.

In the first train, the next morning, the excursionists went to Heidelberg, fifty-eight miles distant. The Josephine still sped on her course, southwest by west; and still the mystery of her destination remained unsolved. Little was hopeful, while Ibbotson was despondent. Mr.

Priscilla could not make a difficulty at such a time, and in such a presence; she had submitted to the embrace, but her soul had recoiled from it; she had actually fainted under the shock: and ever since, she had declared to her brother, with a pertinacity which he had been unable to understand which, indeed, had looked like sheer audacity, that he would never marry Margaret Ibbotson.

"You will marry no one but Mary Bruce at last, you will see, whatever you may think now." "For Heaven's sake, Priscilla, if you have any of the regard you profess to have for Miss Bruce, treat her name with some respect! I am accepted by Margaret Ibbotson!" "I dare say you are? Margaret Ibbotson! So this is at the bottom of all your energy about the Hopes!"

"Are you sure we are not burning our own fingers?" asked Ibbotson. "My experience in the Josephine, when we were short of water, taught me what it was to be without it, especially when you have to feed on salt horse and hard bread." "That's so," added Spencer. "Can't we save some for ourselves?" inquired Wilton. "What's the use?

"It is my cousin, Miss Ibbotson, that Mr Hope is engaged to," said Sophia, unable to refrain from disclosures which she yet saw were not cared for: "the beautiful Miss Ibbotson, you know." "Indeed: I am sure somebody said it was Deborah Giles. Then you think, Mr Jones, we may depend upon you for game when the season begins?"