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And she put out her arms to me, and her eyes did shine with those tears that do never be shed; and lo! in a moment, she did be upon my heart, and we two to be husht together in content; for our need did be in the other. And truly, where there do be two together with love, there doth be neither lack nor need; but eternal fulfilment.

And once, I to think that she wept a little; and to know that she did be like to think upon her father and her own Peoples; but she to have her face turned to me, so that I could but guess upon this thing; and she very soon to be husht again of this sorrow, and to lie content in mine arms.

The oak, ahagur; the oak. You'll get it atween the foot o' the bed an' the wall." When Kathleen placed the staff in his hand, he took off his hat and blessed himself, then put it on, looked at his wife, and said "Now darlin', in the name o' God, I'll go. Husht, avillish machree, don't be cryin'; sure I'll be back to you in a week." "Och! I can't help it, Owen.

Ellish, Ellish won't you spake one word to me afore you go? Won't you take one farewell of me of me, aroon asthore, before you depart from us for ever!" exclaimed her husband. "Feeling the bed-clothes," said the priest, "is not always a, sign of death; I have known many to recover after it. "Husht," said Peter "husht! Mary Mary! Come hear hould your tongues!

Yet otherwhiles, we to have no thought to count; but made a constant husht talk one to the other; and did grow odd times, that it did seem to us that we did be two spirits there in an Everlasting Darkness, that had quiet speech one to the other, and to be seeming gone from our bodies.

And when we were come near unto it, I made a sign to the Maid that she be utter husht; and I took the Diskos from mine hip, and went forward before her; and afterward to my knees and hands, and beckoned backward to Mine Own, that she do likewise. And we came this way to the edge of the hollow-place where the fire-hole did burn; and so were able in the end to look downward.

And I caught her again, and I took one of the straps from around the Scrip and the Pouch, and set it about her pretty waist, and the end I held in my hand, and so had her to obey me in this thing which did be needful to her safety. And the Maid to go with me very husht for two great hours, and I alway to look well about.

And presently she ceased from weeping, and did slip her hand into mine, and I to keep it within, very soft and quiet; and afterward, she began to eat her tablets, yet always she did be very husht; so that I did be quiet also, and feel as that my love did be round her as a shield. And I knew that she had knowledge of this thing in her heart.

And I forced myself then that I eat some of the tablets, and I drank a great lot of the water, for a fever did seem to burn in me, and moreover I to mean that I lack not for strength to my task. And I set my gear upon me very speedy, and I lifted Mine Own Beloved, that did be now so husht, that once had been so merry and dearly naughty.

Notwithstanding this, his wants were for the most part anticipated, so far as their means would allow them; his shed was kept waterproof; and either shovel or pitchfork always ready to be extended to him, by way of substitution for the right hand of fellowship. When he called for anything, the usual observation was, "Husht! the crathur's callin'. I must take the shovel an' see what he wants."