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Barbara stood for a moment, staring at her friend, who was sitting bolt upright in bed. "Then you aren't asleep," she faltered. "Are you reading?" The older girl turned and gazed, half blankly, at the dark-eyed face in that mist of loosened hair. "Yes," she drawled, for all that her hands and hunched-up knees were bookless. "Yes, I'm reading.

Exactly in front of him, clad only in a loin cloth, with hunched-up shoulders, a necklace around his neck, with blazing eyes and ugly gleaming teeth, crouched some unrecognisable creature, human yet inhuman, a monkey and yet a man.

In Morten's sitting-room, a hunched-up figure was sitting with its back to the window, staring down at the floor. His clothes hung loosely upon him, and his thin hair was colorless. He slowly raised a wasted face as he looked toward the door. Pelle had already recognized him from his maimed right hand, which had only the thumb and one joint of the forefinger.

Anthea, quite at once, went to the little girl and put her arms as tight as she could round the hunched-up black figure. 'Oh, don't cry so, dear, don't, don't! she whispered under the brim of the large sailor hat, now very crooked indeed. 'Tell Anthea all about it; Anthea'll help you. There, there, dear, don't cry. The others stood at a distance. One or two passers-by stared curiously.

He turned sharply, and peering, saw a small, hunched-up figure sitting a couple of yards off in the shadow of the enclosure. "Have ye any news?" asked the high-pitched wheezy voice of a very old man. Graham hesitated. "None," he said. "I stay here till the lights come again," said the old man. "These blue scoundrels are everywhere everywhere." Graham's answer was inarticulate assent.

In a flash the memory returned to her; twenty-four hours ago she was asking that very question of this unspeakable figure that sat hunched-up before her. 'One moment, dear, she called. And added in a very low voice, 'Come here! Lawford looked up. 'What? he said. 'Perhaps, perhaps, she whispered, 'it isn't quite so bad.

"Elsa, my girl," he asked softly, "what is it?" "The best way of all." Pater Bonifácius had placed his kindly hand on the girl's hunched-up shoulders, and there was something in his touch which seemed to soothe the wild paroxysm of her grief. She raised her tear-stained face to his, and without a word for her lips were shaking and she could not have spoken then she handed him Andor's letter.

Who'll take me that Merri gets the wench in the end?" This from one of the lookers-on, a tall, cadaverous-looking creature, with sunken eyes and broad, hunched-up shoulders, which were perpetually shaken by a dry, rasping cough that proclaimed the ravages of some mortal disease, left him trembling as with ague and brought beads of perspiration to the roots of his lank hair.

And as he stood in the doorway of the big, calm room, which seemed even now to be stirring with the restless shadow of these last few far-away days; now pacing sullenly to and fro; now sitting hunched-up to think; and now lying impotent in a vain, hopeless endeavour only for the breath of a moment to forget he awoke out of reverie to find himself smiling at the thought that a changed face was practically at the mercy of an incredulous world, whereas a changed heart was no one's deadly dull affair but its owner's.

"Half-way up something struck him once, twice, thrice, sharply, and there was a soft, malevolent chuckle. "At this juncture the two undergraduates arrived in Brady's room. No one was there nothing save a hunched-up figure on a chair. "'Hartnoll! they whispered. 'Hartnoll! No reply. They called again still no reply.