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Arthur went up to the University, Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1870; he did not distinguish himself there, or acquire more than he had done at Winchester: "The one thing I learnt at Winchester that has been useful to me since, was how to tie up old letters: my house-master taught me how to do thatit was about all he was fit for.

Jackson arose, prophesying disaster. Should he avert it by taking orders? Parents do not demand that a house-master should be a clergyman, yet it reassures them when he is. And he would have to take orders some time, if he hoped for a school of his own. His religious convictions were ready to hand, but he spent several uncomfortable days hunting up his religious enthusiasms.

He was noted too for daring chemical experiments, of which he usually had one or two brewing, surreptitiously at first, and afterwards by special permission of his house-master, on the principle that if a room must smell, it had better smell openly. He made few friendships, but these were lasting.

"We've recommended Prout to let you go back to your study." "The dooce you have! And who under the sun are you to interfere between us and our house-master? Upon my Sam, you two try us very hard you do, indeed. Of course we don't know how far you abuse your position to prejudice us with Mr.

Proceeding to school, he had again fallen foul of his house-master in whose form he was over a matter of unprepared Livy. As a matter of fact, Jackson had prepared the Livy. Or, rather, he had not absolutely prepared it; but he had meant to. But it was Mr Templar's preparation, and Mr Templar was short-sighted.

"Deep hid within the nether cell What Force with Fire is moulding thus, In yonder airy towers shall dwell, And witness wide and far of us." He may, at this hour, add for himself the lines which the poet hears from the lips of his House-Master: "My house is built upon a rock, And sees unmoved the stormy shock Of waves that fret below."

In return for the document, Prout expounded to Beetle the enormity of money-lending, which, like everything except compulsory cricket, corrupted houses and destroyed good feeling among boys, made youth cold and calculating, and opened the door to all evil. Finally, did Beetle know of any other cases? If so, it was his duty as proof of repentance to let his house-master know.

His uncle, as usual, said little, replying almost in monosyllables to the questions of his host; but John junior told himself exultantly that it was not necessary for Uncle John to talk; the wide world knew what he had done. Then his house-master, Rutford, had told John where to buy his first straw hat.

His uncle and he had driven together to the Manor. Here, the explorer had exercised his peculiar personal magnetism upon the house-master, a tall, burly man of truculent aspect and speech. John realized proudly that his uncle was the bigger of the two, and that the giant acknowledged, perhaps grudgingly, the dwarf's superiority, The talk, short enough, had wandered into Darkest Africa.

'Why has my boy not been moved this term? 'Why has my boy been moved this term? 'I am a dissenter, and do not wish my boy to subscribe to the school mission. 'Can you let my boy off early to water the garden? Remember that I have been a day-boy house-master, and tried to infuse some esprit de corps into them. It is practically impossible. They come as units, and units they remain. Worse.