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There are many today who, like that man of old, say, “Lord, I will follow thee,” with no clear idea of what it means. It was not hard to follow him when the multitude shouted, “Hosanna!” and threw palm-branches before him. It is easy for us to follow him today when his cause is popular, when people are proclaiming the truth of what we teach and approving of our service.

Romeo quitted the court, poor and old; "and if the world," said Justinian, "could know the heart such a man must have had, begging his bread as he went, crust by crust praise him as it does, it would praise him a great deal more." "Hosanna, Holy God of Sabaoth, Superillumining with light of light The happy fires of these thy Malahoth!"

Who does not crave for rest?" Her brown eyes were soft with feeling, there was a sweet, almost angelic look upon her face; a passing emotion possessed her. Alas, that such moods should be transitory! And yet it has ever been so in the world's history. Unsanctified human nature is always fickle, and the "Hosanna" of yesterday become the "Crucify Him" of to-day.

"A miracle!" "Our holy bishop has seen the face of the Lord! Hosanna!" "St. Cautin," cried up Neroweg, "you will protect me, dear patron saint, my dear father in Christ! Will you not bless your son?" "Yes, I will bless you provided always you prostrate yourself before the bishop of the Lord, and you enrich the Church!"

In those days the people's cry of joy and triumph was 'Noël! but why that cry of Christmas joy had become the popular hosanna, it is not easy to conjecture. Throughout that night the preparations for the coronation were feverishly made both within and without the cathedral.

The flags concealed the sky, and formed such a fine background to the brilliant light thrown on all the groups of figures. We did not get home till daylight. There was nothing the least good or entertaining in the way of inscriptions and transparencies, except a "Hosanna to Jehovah, Britain, and Alexander." Mrs. E. Stanley to Lady Maria Stanley. LONDON, Wednesday, June, 1814.

It is the supreme instance of short-lived, unintelligent emotion, inasmuch as many who on Friday joined in the roar, 'Crucify Him! had on Sunday shouted 'Hosanna! till they were hoarse. Pilate plays a cowardly and unrighteous part in the affair, and tries to make amends to himself for his politic surrender of a man whom he knew to be innocent, by taunts and sarcasm.

But time rolled by unconcernedly, while the thirty pieces of silver lay under the stone, and the terrible day of the Betrayal drew inevitably near. Already Jesus had ridden into Jerusalem on the ass's back, and the people, strewing their garments in the way, had greeted Him with enthusiastic cries of "Hosanna! Hosanna! He that cometh in the name of the Lord!"

For once they felt that He had come in the name of the Lord the old Deliverer who brought them out of the land of Egypt, and made them into a nation, and loved and pitied them still, in spite of all their sins, and remembered His covenant, which they had forgotten. And before that humble man, the Son of the village maiden, they cried: "Hosanna to the Son of David.

When they had almost reached the city, the disciples began to shout. Jesus used to say that they must not tell anyone that he was the Messiah. But now they could tell the whole world, for Jesus wanted everyone to know. They were glad that they did not have to be quiet any longer. They shouted, "Hosanna!" It meant, "Save us," and was a cry of welcome.