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And the folks in the cyar they knowed it, too. I am in gineral one to keep things locked and pinned down inside me; but for once I let go all holts and turnt a-loose.

Western asking with an angry voice why he had not been told did alarm her. But he asked no such question, nor, as far as Cecilia knew, had he heard anything of Sir Francis when the Holts passed through London. Nor did he seem to have heard it when he came down to Exeter. At any rate he did not say a word respecting Sir Francis.

Gershom would have been a different place, as to the state of morality and religion, if it had not been for the Holts and when Jacob said the Holts in this connection, he meant himself, as far as the last ten years were concerned.

But Abraham Dyson saw another way of getting his sick wife properly looked to, and had whispered his notion in the ear of his brother-in-law. The Dysons and the Holts had had intimate business dealing with each other for generations, and there had been many matrimonial connections between them in times past.

Chris Badger's got jobs enough, accordin' to his sign. He won't starve if he don't collect rents for me any more." The hotel dinner was neither bountiful nor particularly well cooked. The Holts joined them at table and Winnie S. talked a good deal. He expressed much joy at the recovery of his lantern.

As a proof of his versatility, if not of his good faith, he talked of neutral matters on the way back to the house, with the charming ease and lightness that was the gift of his race and class. On the borders of the wood they encountered the Robert Holts, walking with their children. "Madame," said the Vicomte to Gwendolen, "your Silverdale is enchanting.

"Why, you see, I'm visiting the Holts Jack Holt was my chum at college and when they asked me if I wanted to see the oldest house in the city, and meet the most famous man 'on this side of the bay, why, of course, I said I'd come. But, gods! I didn't know it would be like this, although Jack said the tail of a wild mustang couldn't get him through the front door.

Its principal street ran north and south at right angles to the river, and the village houses clustered closest at the end of the bridge that crossed it. At the south end of the bridge another street turned west down the river, and at a little distance became a pleasant country road which led to the hill-farm of the Holts, and past it to the neighbouring township of Fosbrooke.

Jacob, never communicative, was altogether silent to his brother as to the extent of his loans, and as to the property he had been obliged to sacrifice to satisfy pressing claims. To tell the truth, Clifton was disposed to take matters easily. The Holts must expect their turn of reverses, as well as other people, and they were better able to meet them, he imagined, than most people.

But it was not merely in material wealth and prosperity that was evident the progress of which the inhabitants of Gershom were becoming so justly proud. As the Holts were the first comers to Gershom, so for a long time they kept the first place in the town, both in social and in business matters.