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Dear little Hope little girl!" The child's eyes turned with a preoccupied wonder as the man's hand touched her hair; then went back to the alluring pattern of the matches. Sympathy Gibbs spoke once more. "I've found out who holds the mortgage, Will. Mr. Dow told me." His hand slid from Hope's hair and hung in the air.

The appearance of the library assistant usually causes much commotion, and she is received often not only by the mother of the negligent child but also the mothers of several other children as well and, the center of a friendly group, she holds conversation with them.

What this one development alone holds for the future nobody can say. All sorts of inventions can be imagined, however, and among them I myself seem to see automobiles operated from central stations indeed, all mechanical movements so operated to the end that individual engines in time will cease to be.

"Oh! mon Dieu! yes, monsieur, I have often held the sword, and have always found one thing." "What is that?" "That for him who holds it, pride is a bad counselor and anger a bad assistant. Now, listen, Jacques," added he: "you have a good wrist, but neither legs nor head; you are quick, but you do not reason.

It is remarkable that this peculiar division holds true with regard to a large number of the "Hundred Plays of Yuen."

"Tom wanted to fly," said Ferguson; "but I am too old for that. Now, what is it you have found?" When he was shown what had been discovered he admitted that it was very promising. "If it holds out, we shall be lucky," he said. "It will hold out," said Russell, enthusiastically. "It isn't well to be too confident," said Ferguson, cautiously. "You are very cold-blooded, Mr.

"The method consists of twenty lessons for each of the five kinds of voices: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Tenor, Baritone and Bass. Each portfolio holds twenty records, together with a book containing minute directions for studying and using the records.

I wish you would let me help you next time you have anything important to do. Will you promise? "When you write again, please send your letter to Vienna, as we are going into residence there, my husband having been unexpectedly called to the capital. He holds an important position in the Government, as perhaps you remember."

The Emperor Frederick's law deserves profound respect and consideration because of the place that it holds in the legal regulation of the practice of medicine. Anyone who thinks that evolution must have brought us in seven centuries much farther in this matter than were the people of the later Middle Ages should read this law attentively.

Unlike Andrew, however, all her principles and her creed were fixed and well defined at least in her own mind, for she held it to be the bounden duty of every Christian to be ready at all times to give a "reason" for the hope that is in him, as well as for every opinion that he holds. Her natural kindness was somewhat concealed by slight austerity of manner.