United States or United States Minor Outlying Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He thought of everything and nothing, least of all of how he should find money for the morrow. When the day came, and the penny to buy a cup of coffee was wanting, he quite naturally, without giving it a second thought, engaged himself as a labourer, and worked all day carrying sacks of grain out of a vessel's hold. For a large part of his nature was patient and simple, docile as an animal's.

I told Fadeaway I wanted him to come back with me and talk to Loring. I was pretty sure he put the sheep into the cañon." "Well, Jack, knowing you since you were a boy, that's good enough for me." "But how about Sundown?" "He stays. How long do you think I'll hold Sundown before Nell Loring drives into Antelope to tell me she can like as not prove he didn't kill Fade?"

"But aside from that, you must know that the Republican party leaders in this State are the heads of the lobby of the Northeastern Railroads." "I guess I know about Number Seven as well as you do," old Tom interjected. Austen's eye flashed. "Now hold on, father," said young Tom, "that's no way to talk to Austen."

He well knew the noble, fearless character of the chief; and felt, if any hold was to be secured over him, it was by grappling with his generosity, and not by the exercise of intimidation.

But the heaviest of the buffets came when the barrier hills were passed and the surrey horses made no motion to turn in at the gate of the old oak-shingled house beyond the iron-works. "Hold on!" said Tom. "Doesn't the driver know where we live?" The old-time, gentle smile wrinkled about the iron-master's eyes. "That's the sup'rintendent's office and lab'ratory now, son.

It seemed to him that his nerves, his brain, and even his muscles were in revolt against the moral compulsion that drove him on. He could feel his heart beating against his ribs. Every sound startled him. The still darkness took him by the throat. Doggedly he fought against the panic impulse to turn and fly. If he quit now, he told himself, he could never hold his self-respect.

I hold that a man will never become a first-class seaman unless he likes work for its own sake. There are three sorts of hands.

Know, too, that I have lived in the boundless forest, until an inhabited street cramps my breast and stifles my breath; nor am I ever less alone than when alone with God. Ask me not, then, though thy intentions be kind, to renounce a mode of life which habit hath made a second nature." "Tell me of your adventures." "Hold!

A man who gives his word of his own free will should hold to it or take the consequences. As I said before, Master Lillie's opinions, outside of business affairs, are not my opinions." "You are a coward!" "I live in Massachusetts Colony, and am not willing to pay taxes for the privilege of buying goods from Britishers."

Our Saxons now declare that they understand their orders to be completed; that their Court did not mean them to march farther, but only to hold by Iglau, a solid footing in Moravia, which will suffice for the present. Fancy Friedrich; fancy Valori, and the cracks he will have to fill!