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I am doing so well with my hog-raising that Hutter wants to come in with me, giving me an interest in his sheep. It is rumored some one has bought the Deep Lake section I wanted for a ranch. I don't know who. Hutter was rather noncommittal. Charley, the herder, had one of his queer spells the other day, and swore to me he had a letter from you.

But I ended by infinitely respecting him. I learned through his hog-raising the real nobility of work.... Well, at last I found courage to ask him when he was coming back to New York. He said 'never!... I realized then my blindness, my selfishness. I could not be his wife and live there. I could not. I was too small, too miserable, too comfort-loving too spoiled.

The mules which are used so extensively in the South are being raised at home instead of being brought from the North. Beef animals and hogs are increasing in numbers and are being bred more carefully. The great variety of food crops which ripen in rotation make the cost of hog-raising very little possibly two cents a pound will cover the cost of raising, butchering, and packing.

He was stimulated to raise stock, to produce feed and forage for his stock, and to interest himself in truck gardening, hog-raising, etc." The method used was to appoint county, district and state demonstration agents who would induce different farmers to cultivate a limited area according to specific directions.

In Ontario, Quebec, and the maritime provinces, dairying, fruit-growing, hog-raising for bacon and ham and mixed farming have taken the place of grain crops.

"Yes, it would," declared Glenn, grimly. This incident inspired Glenn to a Homeric narration of his hog-raising experience. In spite of herself the content of his talk interested her. And as for the effect upon her of his singular enthusiasm, it was deep and compelling. The little-boned Berkshire razorback hogs grew so large and fat and heavy that their bones broke under their weight.

"I'm in the hog-raising business, and pretty blamed well pleased over my success so far." Carley caught herself in time to quell outwardly a shock of amaze and revulsion. She laughed, and exclaimed against her stupidity. The look of Glenn was no less astounding than the content of his words. He was actually proud of his work.

Now go and sit down like a peaceable citizen, and remember that a man who is such a master in the craft of hog-raising, who has lived with 'em, bred 'em, fed on 'em, and whose mental vision is bounded by 'em, has no right to down inoffensive, untutored souls like ourselves. It isn't generous." Arizona stood. He looked at the man; then he glanced at each face around him and noted the smiles.

Having occasion to take a meal with some poor, squalid descendants of hog-raising Pike County Missourians, he detected a queer bitterness to his coffee, managed unseen to empty the cup into his canteen, and later found, as he had suspected, that an attempt had been made to poison him. He rode back at once to the cabin.