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He had been forty-eight hours in the saddle, but he only laughed a gay denial of fatigue. She descended the steps, walked over to the horse, and patted neck and shoulder, scanning limb and chest and flank. The horse would do! "Will you hitch your horse and come in?" she asked sweetly. "Thank you, ma'am."

Naturally one will wonder how it was I secured my supplies, seeing that purchases outside the camp were forbidden except through the officially approved channels. While it is inadvisable for me to relate how I did secure my varied stocks I may state that I never experienced any disappointment or even a hitch in this connection.

"It is a scientific toy," said the men of trade and commerce. "It is an interesting instrument, of course, for professors of electricity and acoustics; but it can never be a practical necessity. As well might you propose to put a telescope into a steel-mill or to hitch a balloon to a shoe-factory." Poor Bell, instead of being applauded, was pelted with a hailstorm of ridicule.

Since it lacked uprights he took it cautiously on hands and knees until approximately equidistant from both ends, when he straddled it, took the cable from his shoulders, uncoiled a length and made it fast round the girder with a clove hitch: giddy work, in that darkness, on that greasy span, fashioning by simple sense of touch the knot upon which his life was to depend, half of the time prone upon the girder and fishing blindly beneath it for the rope's end, with nothing but a seventy foot drop between him and eternity, not even another girder to break a fall....

But there was some hitch, and the design was laid in a drawer and not taken out again until Canova died and certain of his pupils completed it for himself. Canova was not a Venetian by birth.

But here I am in electric lights on Broadway while he is exercising a wheeled chair at Atlantic City." "He's your manager?" "He is that very little thing. He told me I could sing until my back ached and never get anywhere because I lacked brains. Then he offered to make me a star if I'd allow him to hitch his chariot to me on a share of the gross.

'Nay, said the Doctor, 'depend upon it, the desk is admirable training for good soldiers of the Church. See the fearful evil that befalls great schemes intrusted to people who cannot deal with money matters; and see, on the other hand, what our merchants and men of business have done for the Church, and do not scorn "the receipt of custom." 'But the man, papa! 'Yes, there lies the hitch!

If I can't work indoors, I'll tell him I'll work outdoors." "It's not proper for you to work today. I want you to sit there in the corner and learn the Fifth Commandment." "Aint you goin' to Cousin Lemuel's?" "On mature reflection, I have decided to remain at home." "I thought you would if you had any sense left. You know well enough we aint wanted down there. I'll go tell him not to hitch up."

But alas, no! The mechanism of the elevator was in perfect order entirely too perfect. No accident of any character whatsoever befell us en route, no dropping back into the basement with a low, grateful thud; no hitch; no delay of any kind. We were certainly out of luck that trip.

Jake, hitch up the bay to the light buggy, quick, and drive him home." "No, sir; but I'm much obliged. I have something to do. Good night." The shadows enveloped him. The short cut led him over a sharp hill and into the road again, and there he sat on the bank till his strength came back. Then he went on till he arrived at a gate leading into a private avenue.