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"And who was that hidjus manster" that was the way her Ladyship pronounced, "that ojous vulgar wretch, with the iron heels to his boots, and the big mouth, and the imitation goold neck-chain, who steered at us so as we got into the carriage?"

She was so hot, and breathless, and agitated that she would have rushed straightway from the department, but Pixie stood her ground and remained serenely unperturbed. "'Twas true!" she cried. "'Twas only the truth she heard. 'Twas hidjus, and no words of yours would make it pretty. And as for cheap, she ought to take that for a compliment, seeing the pains she's taking to get another like it!

I knew all about the deserter, and I gave him the clothes and things that they say he stole. It was while you was out that night, and he came and begged of me, and was mournful and hidjus to behold. I thought I was helping him, and getting our revenge on the Fort, all at the same time. Don't be mad, Jim dear, and do not be frighted fer me.

The moment the gal presented it, each saw the face of a thing lookin' out of the winder over the porch, and the face was hidjus beyond words, and the shadder of it, with the light behind, stretched out and reached to the gal, and made her hidjus, too. "At last my grandfather give a groan and put out his hand; and, as he did it, the face went, and the gal was beautiful to see agen.

Ye look old enough to be your own mother. It takes all the colour out of your face. You look quite yellow!" Bridgie tore the hat from her head, and seized upon a modest brown toque which lay close at hand. "Is that better, then? Is that dowdy enough to suit you?" "It's hidjus!" cried Pixie with emphasis. "It's uglier than the other. I wouldn't have it given to me as a present.

"I look a nasty, horrid, hidjus fright!" she cried aloud, staring in disgust at the unwelcome vision. "I couldn't have believed it really I couldn't! It's the fault of those horrid little cubicles with the glass stuck in the darkest corner. Harold was right. Mother would have been shocked."

"If you were threatened with a danger a hidjus danger what should you think would be the best way to avoid it?" asked Pixie earnestly, at the expiration of two minutes and a half. Sarah had that moment brought in the lamp and brushed up the fire, and the little room looked wonderfully cheerful and cosy.

"Ain't it wicked for a woman to have such an imperence?" cried Albert's girl, joining in the yell as the candidate was marched off to the side of the losers. "Isn't this all a little personal?" Mr. Clarkson protested; "a trifle what should I say? Oriental, perhaps?" "She don't know how hidjus she is," the big man explained. "No female don't."

"Come, come, Mammy, I am surprised at you," and the girl's eyes sparkled with merriment. "What do you mean by saying I couldn't look worse? I didn't know I was as hideous as all that." "I didn't say yo' was hidjus, Missie Jean. I jes said yo' couldn't look worse, an' ye can't. Yo' kin only look beau'ful.

In all his emusemints they ecumpanied him; their edjacation was his sole bisniss; he atcheaved it with the assistnce of the ugliest and most lernid masters, and the most hidjus and egsimplary governices which money could procure. R, how must his peturnle art have bet, as these Budds, which he had nurrisht, bust into buty, and twined in blooming flagrance round his pirentle Busm!