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Look back along the record for his life: there are many tears charged to his account, but none for his own use. Back in the seventies there are tears of Miss Culpepper, charged to Mr. Barclay, and one heart-break for General Hendricks. Again in the eighties there is sorrow for Mr. Robert Hendricks, and more tears for Mrs. Brownwell, that was Miss Culpepper all charged to the account of Mr.

Howard had asked his campaign managers to meet there that night, and also Hendricks and one or two of his men, but personally he felt doubtful. And, as it happened, the meeting developed more enthusiasm than optimism. Cardew's withdrawal would be made the most of by the opposition. They would play it up as the end of the old regime, the beginning of new and better things.

Willy Cameron took his pipe out of his mouth, but remained dumb. Mr. Hendricks nudged Doctor Smalley, who rose manfully to the occasion. "What does he say?" "Says the Russians have got a lot of paid agents here. Not all Russians either. Some of our Americans are in it. It's to begin with a general strike." "In this town?" "All over the country. But this is a good field for them.

And never in all his life could he take a square look at Molly Culpepper's diamond ring. As the spring deepened Bob Hendricks felt upon him at his work the pressure of two distinct troubles. One was his sweetheart's attitude toward him, and the other was the increasing weakness of his father.

The President replied: "There is no danger of that, for General Thomas is already in the office." He then added: "It is only a temporary arrangement; I shall send in to the Senate at once a good name for the office. Mr. Butler, for prosecution, objected, and the vote was: Yeas Bayard, Buckalew, Davis, Dixon, Doolittle, Hendricks, McCreery, Patterson of Tennessee, and Vickers 9 all Democrats.

These things are like the worms that eat into the majestic oaks which are used to build vessels to ride the sea, and decay their strength, so that they fall down and make wrecks of navies." Mr. Hendricks had moved to amend the resolution by inserting the words "inhabitants of" after the word "States." This amendment was rejected.

The chief looked somewhat disconcerted at this remark, but the next moment drawing himself up proudly, he answered "Mangaleesu's strong arm and rifle will supply him and his wife with all their wants. The Zulus are not like you white men, they can live where you would starve." "You are a brave young man, but you have no rifle and ammunition to begin with," said Hendricks.

On the twenty-first ballot Hancock had 135½, and Hendricks 132; with 48½ divided among minor candidates. At this point the Ohio delegation, having been absent in conference, entered the hall, and amid a hush of expectation and interest proposed the name of Horatio Seymour. Mr.

The first day of voting, which was the third of the Convention, ended after six ballots without any material change or decisive indication. The name of Mr. Hendricks of Indiana had been brought forward just at the close of the third day with thirty votes, and at the opening of the following day he immediately developed more strength.

Yeas Anthony, Bayard, Buckalew, Cole, Conkling, Corbett, Davis, Dixon, Doolittle, Fessenden, Fowler, Grimes, Hendricks, Johnson, McCreery, Morton, Patterson of Tennessee, Ross, Saulsbery, Sherman, Sprague, Sumner, Trumbull, Van Winkle, Vickers, Willey 26 15 Republicans and 11 Democrats.