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"Yes; and at any moment it may burst forth with a roar, Morgan," whispered the captain; "but for heaven's sake don't show that we think so." Another anxious quarter of an hour passed, and matters were evidently growing worse.

"I'm locked in," he called. . "How'd you get in?" "They locked me in by accident. I'm nearly dead." "Who are you?" "I was riding in the car." "A tramp, hey? Serves ye right! Better stay there!" "No! No!" screamed the boy, in terror. "I'm starving I've been here for days. For heaven's sake let me out I'll never do it again." "If I let you out," said the voice, "it's my business to arrest you."

"'My Dear Bryan For heaven's sake, in addition to your other generosities for-which I acknowledge myself still in your debt will you lend me thirty-five pounds, to secure a beautiful mare belonging to Tom Burton, of the Race Road? She is a perfect creature, and will, if I am not quick, certainly slip through my fingers. Jemmy, the gentleman' "This is what he calls his father, you must know.

For Heaven's sake, Lena, weep, if you really feel it so much; anything would be better than standing there staring as if you thought I had lost my reason." Lena Strudwarden did not weep, but her attempt at laughing was an unmistakable failure.

"It is the most glorious afternoon imaginable. There is a sort of hazy red gold in the air, that exhilarates one. You feel as if you could soar to heaven's gate." "We haven't been up in almost a fortnight," said Hanny, laughing. "The more need of our going now. I enjoy these superb days to the full." Hanny went to get her hat. Grandmother generally took her nap early in the afternoon.

"Tea, yes; but for Heaven's sake let nothing solid dispel the associations of such a meeting as this!" "I thought you might have dined early," said Mackinnon. Now Mackinnon was a man whose own dinner was very dear to him.

Christ the forerunner of the saints. FIFTH. A fifth office of Christ in reference to the second covenant was, that He should be the forerunner to Heaven before His saints that were to follow after. First. He is run before to open Heaven's gates Be ye open, ye everlasting doors, that the King of Glory may enter in. Second. He is run before us to take possession of glory in our natures for us.

Do this, or if for any reason you should prefer not, then take your choice of these: Get Out, or Get in Line. You have got to do one or the other now make your choice. If you work for a man, in heaven's name work for him. If he pays you wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him speak well of him, think well of him, stand by him and stand by the institution that he represents.

God had made Amy so that she had less trouble from selfishness than all but a few people. Hester, more than Amy, felt her own rights, and was ready to be indignant. She would have far more trouble than Amy in getting rid of the self-asserting self in her, which closes the door against heaven's divinest gifts.

Or, if she were feverish, have not we decoctions brewed from Heaven's own pure herbs in the garden, with no unknown ingredient? 'Madame, said Eustacie, ruffling into fierceness, 'you are very good to me; but I must keep the management of my daughter to myself. The Duchess looked at her from head to foot.