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And John wondered if Ed would take the little trout out any more gently now. John felt more and more lonesome as one after another of his playmates came out and made a profession. "There she is," thought John, "singing away like an angel in heaven, and I am left out." During all his after life a contralto voice was to John one of his most bitter and heart-wringing pleasures.

The cry the thrilling, never-to-be-forgotten, heart-wringing cry of the first-born! "Oh, God!" breathed Allan, while down his cheeks hot tears gushed unrestrained. The door opened. Gesafam beckoned. Trembling, weak as a child, the man faltered in. Still burned the lamp upon the table.

I would give forth no more heart-wringing music, for the musician had departed. And I still lived I, the stout little tradesman whom you loathed. Yes, that tradesman scrambled through these evils, somehow, and came out still able to word adequately all such imaginings as could be devised by his natural abilities. But he transmitted no more heart-wringing music." She said, "You lie!"

And John wondered if Ed would take the little trout out any more gently now. John felt more and more lonesome as one after another of his playmates came out and made a profession. "There she is," thought John, "singing away like an angel in heaven, and I am left out." During all his after life a contralto voice was to John one of his most bitter and heart-wringing pleasures.

In the weakness of an almost prostrated mind, under the load of conflicting anguish which then lay upon him for now feeling his own culpable infirmity, in having suffered this dangerously flattering preference of him to have ever showed itself to him, without his having down his positive duty, by sending her home at once to her proper protector in a sudden self-immolating agony of self-blame, he assented to her heart-wringing supplication, that as soon as propriety would permit, she should become his wife.

And John wondered if Ed would take the little trout out any more gently now. John felt more and more lonesome as one after another of his playmates came out and made a profession. "There she is," thought John, "singing away like an angel in heaven, and I am left out." During all his after life a contralto voice was to John one of his most bitter and heart-wringing pleasures.

It was because she was there, out of her proper sphere, in a place she had no business to be in at all, that these strange and heart-wringing scenes with young men occurred. And Fritzing would notice her red eyes and ask what had happened; and here within two days was a second story to be told of a young man unintentionally hurried to his doom. Would Fritzing be angry? She never knew beforehand.

Down the white road in the moonlight we went in a straggling company, while more and more loudly came to us through the crisp night air the sound of the Christmas bells. Presently some one started a very sweet and plaintive noël: fairly heart-wringing in its tender beseeching and soft lament, yet with a consoling under-note to which it constantly returned.

She was, in truth, secretly enslaved by a burning, secret, heart-wringing passion which, sometimes, as she lay on her hard bed at night, forced from her thin chest hopeless sobs which she smothered under the bedclothes. Figuratively, she would have licked the boots of her conquering god, if he would have looked at her just looked-as if she were human.

For eleven months of the year," he hurried on a bit huskily, "for eleven months of the year, eleven months, each day reeking from dawn to dark with the driving, nerve-wracking, heart-wringing work that falls to my profession, I lead an absolutely abstemious life, touching neither wine nor liquor, nor even indeed tea or coffee.