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Bernard move as if he were coming to his senses, he struggled violently to free himself. "I'll have the dog yet!" he said; "only let me get at him with the knife!" He had just succeeded in extricating his imprisoned leg, and was ready to spring to his feet, when he was caught firmly by the throat, and looking up, saw a hayfork within an inch of his breast. "Hold on there!

McTeague heard two brakemen discussing him one night as they stood outside by the halted train. "The livery-stable keeper called him a bastard; that's what Picachos told me," one of them remarked, "and started to draw his gun; an' this fellar did for him with a hayfork.

Bud went over and began to help unhitch the team from the mower, and the driver eyed him sharply while he grinned his greeting across the backs of the horses. "Pop says you're looking for work," Dave Truman observed, coming up. "Well, if you ain't scared of it, I'll stake yuh to a hayfork after dinner. Where yuh from?" "Just right now, I'm from the Muleshoe. Bud Birnie's my name.

They were long and lean and finicky-fingered hands, the sort that could span an octave much better than they could hold a hayfork. And I decided to see him hoisted by his own petard. "Then you're just the man I'm looking for," I told him.

Twigs and leaves pattered down, but I was safe behind the stump of a fallen tree. Presently the steel thing I had seen glinting struck the dead and sodden wood of the tree-trunk, and snapped with a sharp tang like a fiddle-string a hayfork it may have been, or one of the long thin swords such as are hung up in the hall.

Theodora and Ellen came with her to help tread down the hay on the cart. "Here I am!" she cried cheerily. She tossed her hayfork into the empty rack and climbed in after it. Her sun hat was tied under her chin, and she had donned a white waist and a blue denim skirt. "Come on now with your hay!" Elder Witham moistened his hands, but made no comment. Jim was grinning.

There was no hayfork operated by machinery in those days. When not haying, the youth was usually put to summer-fallowing or to breaking new ground, to fencing or splitting rails, all heavy work. No wonder that he always welcomed a rainy day! =Harvesting.= Then came the wheat-harvest time.