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And though I can laugh, and be interested, too, in Molly Gaverick's way of looking at things, and in her determination not "to be out of the swim" I was just as determined myself, when I had the mood to be in it and though one side of me hankers after the push and the struggle and the worldliness yet the other side of me revolts against it, and longs to be washed clean of all the sordid social grime.

In the next epoch, say the twelfth to the seventeenth centuries, Indian thought clearly hankers after theism in the western sense and yet never completely acquiesces in it.

She hates him and insults him to an extent that is really unladylike. Notwithstanding all this he still hankers after her and swears she shall be his.

But the truth was, Mrs. Richie thought nothing at all; she forgot the incident entirely. It was Robert Ferguson who did the embarrassed thinking. As for Mrs. Maitland, she went home through Mercer's mire and fog, her iron face softening into almost feminine concern. She was saying to herself that if Nannie didn't care, why, she didn't care! "But if she hankers after him" Mrs.

Of course school would have to come some day; but his was not the temperament that hankers for it at an early age. As to a moral backbone whatever sort of an affliction that might be if it meant growing up ugly and 'disagreeable, like Aunt Jane or the Aunt Jane cousins, he fervently hoped he would never have one or Tara either....

Then, too, it is not unlikely that part of the poet's reluctance to embrace the creed of his contemporaries arises from the fact that he, in his secret heart, still hankers for his old title of priest. He knows that it is the imaginative faculty of the poet that has been largely instrumental in building up every religious system.

It will be better for us to work together than at odds. Suppose we bury the hatchet and work for each other's interest.... I'm paid to know a coming man when I see one." "Was hopin' you'd see it that way, Mr. President. I hain't one that hankers for strife ... not even with Lafe, here, if he can figger he's willin' to admit what he's got to admit." "I take my orders from you," said Lafe.

But what he really wants, though, is the chance to sit down and tell his troubles to some nice, sympathetic woman who is old enough to be level-headed. Nearly every soldier reverts more or less to a boyish point of view. He hankers for somebody to mother him. I should be glad to see many women of that type in the Y.M.C.A. work.

I could see she was thinking of that impossible fifty thousand rupees. What a load she must have been carrying within her bosom, struggling under it, perhaps, through sleepless nights! What else had she with which to express her loving worship? Debarred from offering her heart at my feet, she hankers to make this sum of money, so hopelessly large for her, the bearer of her imprisoned feelings.

"""The mind said, 'These arrows, O Alarka, will never pierce me through. They will pierce only thy own vital parts. Thy vital parts being pierced, thou shalt die. Do thou look out for other arrows with which to destroy me. Hearing these words and reflecting upon them, he said as follows. """Alarka said, 'Smelling very many perfumes, the nose hankers after them only.