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It takes three generations, they say, to breed a gentleman; and, in my opinion, that's under the mark." "And a lady?" "Women are handier at picking up appearances; 'adaptable' 's the word. But the trouble with them is to find out whether they have the real thing or not.

"Moses uses a single-blade, partly because it is handier for steering and partly because he has been accustomed to it in his own land. You are at liberty to use which you prefer." "Thanks, I will follow the lead of Moses, for I also have been accustomed to the single-blade and prefer it at least while I am one of three. If alone, I should prefer the double-blade."

That won't be far for you to come, and it will be handier for me whenever Lone Star goes lame. Your sincere friend, Lucky for me I happened to think of this, For it would get on my nerves to see Polly Hanging on behind every time you and Mrs. Dudley went to ride. "What a funny man!": laughed Polly. "You'd think Lone Star went lame about once a week!

In old times when the houses were draftier they was troublesome about flickering, candles was; but land! think how comfortable we live now to what we used to! Stoves is such a convenience; the fire's so much handier. Housekeepin' don't begin to be the trial it was once." "I must say I like old-fashioned cookin' better than oven cookin'," observed Mrs. Jake.

They've half-a-dozen guns in every cabin, but nary a hoe; they've more yaller dogs then the rest o' us hev sheep, an they find hit a good deal handier ter kill other folks's hogs than ter raise ther own pork." "Hardly desirable neighbors, I should think," ventured Harry. "Hit's war all the time between our kind o' people, and them other kinds.

Quicker and handier in the narrow space than a rifle, it poured its stream of heavy bullets into the assailants in an almost unbroken stream, as the defenders slipped clip after clip, each containing ten cartridges, into the magazine. Fanatically brave as were the desperate Kachins, this was a punishment too severe for mortal flesh and blood to endure.

Maybe she's waiting alone because some other girl was handier in the new place. And maybe it wasn't a case of wait at all, only the boy who went away looked better to some Homeburg girl than any of those who stayed at home. That was the case with Sam Flanburg and Minnie Briggs a few years ago. Sam is on the Chicago Board of Trade and is one of our old-time boys.

He was something of a wag, the old Squire; and nothing came handier to him, in the way of a joke, than a joke at his own expense. When he was eighty years old, he had a stroke of paralysis: he lived six years after that; but he could not walk about the farm any longer.

The seagoing English were all full of Hawkins and his West Indian exploits. The Hawkinses and the Drakes were near relations. Hearing that there was to be another expedition, and having obtained his cousin's consent, Francis Drake sold his brig, bought the Judith, a handier and faster vessel, and with a few stout sailors from the river went down to Plymouth and joined.

Dear Ruth, I do not know if you have thought of returning to Sabines. . . . So much handier. . . ." Ruth, half-wilfully, refused to think of returning to Sabines. But if Tatty fussed, the Cordery lads made more than recompense for her fussing. From the hour when, at supper-time, Sir Oliver led Miss Josselin into the kitchen, his bride affianced, all discord ceased between these young men.