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He always was so capable in an emergency. "Motored home at noon today," he said. "Guess I've got spring fever. Anyhow, I couldn't stand it in the city. Della told me you were over here and that you thought, perhaps, you would hear from the Hamptons today." Della was Bob's younger sister, and the Temples' only other child. "We heard all right, Dad," said Bob gravely.

The Negroes were not as yet politically organized were not even interested in politics, and the master class might reasonably hope to regain control of them. Whitelaw Reid published an interview with one of the Hamptons which describes the situation exactly: "A brother of General Wade Hampton, the South Carolina Hotspur, was on board.

While now and then, as at Rockaway and far east along the Hamptons, the beach makes right on the island, the sea dashing up without intervention. Several light-houses on the shores east; a long history of wrecks tragedies, some even of late years. As a youngster, I was in the atmosphere and traditions of many of these wrecks of one or two almost an observer.

Soon after encamping on the High Hills of Santee, Greene detached Sumter with about a thousand light troops to scour the lower country and beat up the British posts in the vicinity of Charleston. His assistants were those bold partisans, Lee, Marion, Horry, the Hamptons, and other brave republican leaders, with troops accustomed to the swamps and sandy lowlands.

It isn't very often we have a visitor here, especially at the Hamptons. Yes, I'm going over to see and hear what I can." "Yer right, Martha," the captain agreed. "Ye sartinly do need a change, an' as I told ye comin' from the shore ye must take that trip to Fredericton. It'll do ye a world of good.

The State that hatched the secession egg, and proclaimed herself at all times first and foremost for the perpetuation of slavery, will not exult at the change which circumstances have wrought. Her Barnwells, her McGraths, her Rhetts, and her Hamptons declared they would perish in the last ditch, rather than submit. Some of them have perished, but many still remain.

In a twinkling Eben was by his side, the door was slammed to, and the car was purring on its way. "Well, where is my daughter?" Randall asked. "I believe she's on Island Lake. D'ye know where that is?" "No, I don't. Where in the devil is it?" "Back in the hills. The Hamptons have a cabin there on an island. Their coal mine is on the shore on the other side." "Oh, I know.

During the thirty-six years of its history, Hampton has sent into the world about 1,200 graduates and 5,000 undergraduates, many of whom have taken with them the spark that has started many other Hamptons, large and small, among the Negroes of the South and the Indians of the West.

Flo laughed outright at her mother's excitement. "That's more interesting than the comb, isn't it?" she bantered. "But it's true. I saw her myself, and my, she's beautiful!" "A girl visiting the Hamptons!" Mrs. Tobin slowly repeated, "and engaged to John! Are you sure? When did you hear all this?" "I was just over there, and saw things for myself.

Thursday, at the Hamptons." Did she give a little start, or was it his fancy? At any rate she followed him with unmistakable interest, and when he had finished she leaned back in her chair with a ripple of low laughter. "I do not believe we will begin that," she said. "It's like a game and we could go on indefinitely mentioning names on the strength of finding a mutual acquaintance.