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Notwithstanding the disaffection which exists among the Indians upon the Nass, respecting their land rights, I have found the Hydas friendly to my undertaking, inviting me into their houses to sleep, both at Cumshewa and Ninstints, and presenting my guides with halibut, eggs, etc.

Broiled fish in general should be mated with rich, heavy sauces, and may be accompanied by Boiled Potato Balls, and Maitre d'Hotel butter. When Halibut or Flounder are steamed or baked in fillets, they call for a piquantly flavored sauce: Caper, Brown Tomato, Shrimp or Lobster.

Also, of course, the sea-fisherman is liable to come into conflict with very large fish occasionally. In British waters the monster usually takes the form of a skate or halibut. A specimen of the former weighing 194 lb has been landed off the Irish coast with rod and line in recent years. In American waters there is a much greater opportunity of catching fish of this calibre. Great Game Fishes.

Now it might be a dozen bream, called by the fishermen "brim," "redfish," or "all-eyes"; again up would come a catfish, savage and sharp-toothed, able to dent an ash oar; and rarely a small halibut would appear, drowned on the trawl.

Both dogfish and catfish are good eatin', but there is a prejudice against 'em, because people don't eat cats an' dogs. But they have been canned an' sold under various names, such as 'ocean whitefish, 'Japanese halibut, an' 'sea bass." "They have a vicious look, though!" "They are vicious," was the reply, "but you mustn't believe all you hear.

Finally, after hastily glancing at a new hand, she flung the cards petulantly on the table, face downward. "Would you like my hand, Major Brill?" she demanded, with a blush. "Better than anything in the world," cried the Major, eagerly. Halibut started, and Miss Philpotts nearly had an accident with her crochet hook. The only person who kept cool was Mrs.

At last we rose and dressed; and Queequeg, taking a prodigiously hearty breakfast of chowders of all sorts, so that the landlady should not make much profit by reason of his Ramadan, we sallied out to board the Pequod, sauntering along, and picking our teeth with halibut bones. His Mark

It has a sharp, broken, rocky bottom, including a small shoal of 20 fathoms and some hummocks of rather greater depths. The deepest water is in the neighborhood of 50 fathoms. Fishing here is from May until July for codfish and pollock: hake and cusk are in the deep water in the spring months and halibut on the shoal in July and September.

Add the gelatin to the stock, soak for twenty minutes, bring to a boil and add the seasoning; then stir in the drained cucumber. Turn into small round timbale cups and stand aside to harden. Serve with any cold fish dish, as cold boiled slice of halibut, or fish in aspic. These are nice for Sunday night supper with broiled sardines.

While virtually all this reef is pollock ground, Crawleys and Rans perhaps furnish the best fishing. Gravelly. Lying about 5 or 6 miles SE. by S. from White Head, this piece of bottom has about 25-fathom depths over a rocky bottom. This is a cod and pollock ground in their season. While an occasional halibut is taken here in summer. Heavy tide rips occur here also. The Soundings.