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And you'll be played as you're labeled." "You make it very hard for any one to like you." "Well good-by, then." And ignoring her hasty, half-laughing, half-serious protests he took himself away. She was intensely irritated.

Hamilton, who sat together at a separate table, were observed to rise in some agitation. When they reached the hall, by a common instinct they stepped into a little breakfast-room which was vacant, and closed the door. Then Mr. Hamilton turned with a half-amused, half-serious smile toward his friend, and said,

She resisted half-serious, half-jesting. "You go out and cool yourselves in the night-air. I don't care about such fellows as you." "I suppose you want only counts and barons," one of them taunted her. "I suppose you wouldn't even think the county-counsellor good enough!" "That's my affair," she answered, "as to who is good enough for me. I have my choice. I can get any man I want."

Already false entries in the cash book had been discovered to the amount of at least five thousand dollars. An officer, he also learned, had been despatched to , for the purpose of arresting the dishonest clerk and bringing him back to justice. "Quite an affair this," remarked Larkin to an acquaintance whom he met some time during the day, in a half-serious, half-indifferent tone.

"We are, and will prove it if it ever becomes necessary; but," added Victor, "we don't see the need of dying when there isn't any need of it." This original bit of philosophy caused Deerfoot to turn and look with a half-serious expression into the face of Victor. "How great is the wisdom of my brother! Who taught him such things?"

Robbie lay insensible to all Reuben's appeals, whether of the nature of banter or half-serious menace. "Weel, weel, the lad has had a fair cargo intil him this voyage, anyway."

They will not otherwise get at the truth of their art, like him who qualifies himself for making a figure in the serious, and half-serious stiles, which also contribute to diffuse a grace over every other kind of dancing, however different from them. But though the grotesque may be a caricature of nature, it is never to lose sight of it.

"But, I say," he remarked, looking up with a half-serious expression, "d'you think that you and I are a sufficient party to make a good fight if we are attacked by Redskins? You know your father will hold me responsible, for carrying you off into the midst of danger in this fashion."

His glance travelled upward from a pair of absurdly tiny brocaded shoes past slender white ankles to the embroidered edge of a wonderful mandarin robe decorated with the figures of peacocks; upward again to a little bejewelled hand which held the robe confined about the slender figure of Zahara, and upward to where, sideways upon a bare shoulder peeping impudently out from Chinese embroidery, rested the half-mocking and half-serious face of the girl.

The glimpse of her face, for ever a delight and an astonishment to him because of its extraordinary loveliness, swept him out of the half-serious air into which he had fallen. He stopped and looked at her with pleased, boyish, happy eyes. "Aurora!" he said softly. "I see now why day comes gradually.