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If challenged and brought to book, they can generally realise the narrowness and injustice of this way of thinking; yet they relapse into it next moment. It is time we should be on our guard against so insidious a habit. With shame and sorrow I transcribe the passage, for the time has not yet come for it to be forgotten.

I was in hopes you were going to practice a thorough system of economy, in order to get beforehand." "I did try, but it's no use. As to giving up tobacco, that is out of the question. I can't do it. Nor could you, if you had ever formed the bad habit of chewing or smoking." "We can do almost any thing, if we try hard enough, Johnson. We fail, because we give up trying.

To be loyal to one task and to continue it faithfully and insistently, brings that perfect adjustment of the mind in which every new act is welcome because it has become the habit ingrained in the personality. To be sure there are individual differences.

But from habit Jonathan still carried himself as a mute on all ordinary occasions never indulging in an approximation to mirth, except when he perceived that his master was in high spirits, and then rather from a sense of duty than from any real hilarity of heart.

A skeptical gentleman, near, thinks this only the force of habit, and that the innocent creatures have been so taught by the cowards who drive them, and would saddle the horses with their own folly. "I am at the close of my story, and not a lover or a tender scene in the whole tedious relation alas! what a defect, but it is too late to mind it now; it only remains to take leave of our friends.

Nevertheless, I shall induce him to pack to-morrow, and we will make for London together, so my next letter will bear a British stamp, and I assure you the air of England will taste good to one benighted Britisher whose name is Alan Drummond." THE habit of industry practised from childhood to maturity is not obliterated by an unexpected shower of gold.

Sheridan was frequently urged to furnish a Report himself, and from his habit of preparing and writing out his speeches, there is little doubt that he could have accomplished such a task without much difficulty.

From it he got the rules which governed the meeting of the mastersingers, like that which follows the religious service in the church of St. Catherine in the first act, and the singular names of the melodies to which, according to David, the candidates for mastersingers' honors were in the habit of improvising their songs. In one instance he made a draft on an authentic mastersinger melody.

"I was thinking " I answered, "whether you are a great deal better than I am." "Think it by all means," he said laughing. "I am certainly a good deal braver. But what else, Daisy? there was something else." "That," said I. "I was thinking of my habit, all my life long, of keeping things back from my father and mother till I thought it was safe to show them."

A far better plan would be to fit a punishment which really belongs to the evil or careless habit of the child.