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As we were generally invited to stay with Friends, it gave us a good opportunity to see the leading families, such as the Ashursts, the Alexanders, the Priestmans, the Braithwaites, and Buxtons, the Gurneys, the Peases, the Wighams of Edinburgh, and the Webbs of Dublin. We spent a few days with John Joseph Gurney at his beautiful home in Norwich.

Indeed, he seemed to be of a superior order to us, and might almost be reckoned as one of the gentry, for his father came of the Gurneys of Lynn, and had set up a great brewery of ale there, by which he enriched himself past all counting.

Elizabeth was born on May 21st, 1780, at Norwich; but when she was a child of six years old, the Gurneys removed to Earlham Hall, a pleasant ancestral home, about two miles from the city. The family was an old one, descended from the Norman lords of Gourney-en-brai, in Normandy.

With such a mother to mould their infant minds and direct their childish understandings, there was not much fear of the younger Gurneys turning out otherwise than well. Those who shook their heads at the "worldliness" of the Gurneys, little dreamt of the remarkable lives which were being moulded under the Gurney roof. One or two extracts from Mrs.

It is hard to give you up, my darling!" and he held her hand as if he would never let it go. "I wonder if I shall ever see you again!" "Mr. McNeil, I have not troubled you with many favors, so I think you might grant me one. Please do not leave the Gurneys just now; on my account, I mean.

The two men talked for some time on matters in general, when Hugh said: "I suppose you know what has brought me here, Mr. Sherwood. My feelings for Dexie have not changed, unless they have become more intense. I heard through the Gurneys that her engagement with Lancy was at an end, and started from Australia at once, on purpose to try again to win her.

Very much the same type of animal and moral organization, as well as natural, you would have found before the war began, ran through the valley of Pennsylvania and Virginia. One farm, eight or ten miles from the village where the Gurneys lived, might be taken as a specimen of these old homesteads.

Someone had thought of it, but had purposely forgotten again, hoping that he might be induced to attend some place of worship in the morning, if for no better reason than to pass the time away. The Gurneys were members of the Episcopal Church and attended at St. Paul's.

Dexie thoroughly enjoyed these exercises, her religious education having been limited to the little she had learned in Sunday School, for the Bible was not a very well read book in the Sherwood household, and its treasures were almost unknown, until they were opened to her eyes by the Gurneys. Aunt Jennie was much surprised when she learned the cause of Dexie's frequent morning visits next door.

It is better when kept in the large bottles, as it forms a more perfect combination: in other words it improves by age. Use. Coat over the iodine to a rose red and then over this mixture to a purple or slate; recoat over the first about one fourth as long as first coating. Gurneys American Compound.