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Gillian longed to show Mysie and Geraldine Grinstead to each other, and the first rub with her hostess occurred when the next morning she proposed to take a cab and go to Brompton. 'Is not your first visit due to your grandmother? said Lady Rotherwood. 'You might walk there, and I will send some one to show you the way. 'We must not go there till after luncheon, said Gillian.

"Such patient goodness ought not to be snubbed by- " He caught his sister's eye, and made his last words "youthful theorists." Mrs. Henderson too forwarded a letter from Lida, being sure that it would be a great pleasure to Mrs. Grinstead.

Sir Thomas Dyke, member for Grinstead, and Lord Norris, son of the Earl of Abingdon, talked of moving an address requesting the King to banish for ever from the Court and the Council that evil adviser who had misled His Majesty's royal uncles, had betrayed the liberties of the people, and had abjured the Protestant religion.

Poor Fergus could not recover his horror and contempt when his collection of specimens, named and arranged, was very nearly seized upon to fill up interstices, and he was infinitely indebted to Mrs. Grinstead for finding a place where their scientific merits could be appreciated without letting his dirty stones, as Valetta called them, disturb the general effect. "And my fern-gardens! Oh, Mrs.

But the hare may and ought still to reach the goal, and have her cell built, even if she does have her wander yahr, like the young barnacles, before becoming attached! No! she need not become the barnacle goose. That is fabulous," said Mrs. Grinstead, laughing off a little of her seriousness, and adding, "Tell me of the other girls. I think Vera did not come home last year."

"Oh! that did not transpire at home," said Sir Jasper. "Boys are so reserved." Mrs. Grinstead and Anna looked rather surprised. Anna even ventured "I thought Fergus got too absorbed." "So did I," said his father dryly. "And he did not justify himself." "M- m- m," went on Gerald, skimming the article. "Read it," cried Anna. "You know none of us have seen it." Gerald continued

Lady Merrifield was authorized to detain Mrs. Grinstead to the last moment possible to either, and they fell into a talk on the morality of bazaars, which, as Lady Merrifield said, had been a worry to her everywhere, while Geraldine had been out of their reach; since the Underwoods had done everything without begging, and Clement disapproved of them without the most urgent need; but, as Lance had said, his wife had grown up to them, and had gone through all the stages from delighting, acquiescing, and being bored, and they had so advanced since their early days, from being simply sales to the grand period of ornaments, costumes, and anything to attract.

"What's all that?" said Gerald F. Underwood, Esquire, sauntering in and kissing his aunt. "Good-morning. How is Uncle Clement this morning?" "Much better; I think he will be up by and by," answered Mrs. Grinstead. "What bosh have you got there? The reporters seized on their prey, eh?" "There's Sir Jasper!" exclaimed Anna, who could see through the blinds from where she sat.

Details were so much in hand that breadth of principle might be obscured. At Vale Leston, however, there was a strong ecclesiastical atmosphere; but while practical parish detail was thoroughly kept up, there was a wider outlook, and constant conversation and discussion among superior men, such as the Harewood brothers, Lancelot Underwood, Mr. Grinstead, and Dr.

Grinstead and her maid had taken charge of the damsel's toilette at Rowthorpe, had perhaps touched up her dresses, and had certainly taught her how to put them on, and how to manage her hair, so that though it had not broken out into fringes or tousles, as if it were desirable to imitate savages 'with foreheads marvellous low, the effect was greatly improved.