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The servants in our house were all kind to me and were fond of me, and so, as you see, mine was a pleasant life. There could not be a happier dog than I was, nor a gratefuller one. I will say this for myself, for it is only the truth: I tried in all ways to do well and right, and honor my mother's memory and her teachings, and earn the happiness that had come to me, as best I could.

The servants in our house were all kind to me and were fond of me, and so, as you see, mine was a pleasant life. There could not be a happier dog that I was, nor a gratefuller one. I will say this for myself, for it is only the truth: I tried in all ways to do well and right, and honor my mother's memory and her teachings, and earn the happiness that had come to me, as best I could.

I've had the tending of him these ten days past, and a gratefuller, pleasanter animal I never met with, and 'twould be worth a gentleman's while to give a five-pound note for him, and let him have a chance. I'll be bound he'd be worth twenty pounds next spring." The old gentleman laughed, and the little boy looked up eagerly.

I do not think he has an idea what fine, loud, Billingsgate voices his children really have. He has said grace we always have a longer, gratefuller grace than usual on Sundays and has risen to go. "Now for it!" cries Bobby, wildly excited, and giving me an awful dig in the ribs with his elbow. "Shall I get it?" asks the general, in an encouraging whisper.

"But I'd be ever so much gratefuller if if you'd made just one of them with puffed sleeves. Puffed sleeves are so fashionable now. It would give me such a thrill, Marilla, just to wear a dress with puffed sleeves." "Well, you'll have to do without your thrill. I hadn't any material to waste on puffed sleeves. I think they are ridiculous-looking things anyhow. I prefer the plain, sensible ones."

BAPTISTE. Your humanitie is so moche, that it maketh us to followe our desires, without beyng afraied to be reputed presumptuous, seyng that you liberally offer thesame, whiche we should have been ashamed, to have asked you: Therefore, we saie unto you onely this, that to us you cannot dooe a greater, nor a more gratefuller benefite, then to finishe this reasonyng.

I've had the tending of him these ten days past, and a gratefuller, pleasanter animal I never met with, and 'twould be worth a gentleman's while to give a five-pound note for him, and let him have a chance. I'll be bound he'd be worth twenty pounds next spring." The old gentleman laughed, and the little boy looked up eagerly.

"You are too conscientious," she said. "That is not part of the duty of a rescue party." "It is, it is," said Geoffrey violently. "It is the merest humanity." "Humanity?" "To me, of course, if you will pin me down." "Oh, there is no reason for the rescued to be humane." "They ought to be grateful." "They are." "Gratefuller then.

Is it nothing that I have taken all the trouble to be born and grow up and live just to come here for you?" "Perhaps I could be gratefuller if there were any prospect of a fire." "Oh, curse the fire," said Geoffrey rising from his knees. "Who minds about it?" "I mind very much." "Well, you mustn't. You must not mind about anything, because it sets up too strong a reaction in me.

Surely, though she would not be his wife, she had been John's best friend! his good angel. Her heart clamored for some warmer, gratefuller word that might justify her to herself. And, instead, she realized for the first time the desert she had herself created, the loneliness she had herself imposed.