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The venerable Mother of the Republics is scarce a fit subject for flippant speech or the idle gossipping of tourists. It seems a sort of sacrilege to disturb the glamour of old romance that pictures her to us softly from afar off as through a tinted mist, and curtains her ruin and her desolation from our view.

Anne eagerly read Elizabeth's note to her mother, and waited her consent to the scheme which it proposed. 'Well, Mamma, said Anne, 'can you consent to this arrangement, or are you afraid that Lizzie and I should chatter all night? 'I hope you have outgrown your old habits of gossipping and idling, said Lady Merton; 'I believe I may trust you; and it may be inconvenient to Mrs.

I hear she is very much grown since those days. 'Oh! when she once gets gossipping with the Miss Brownings, she never knows when to come home, said Mrs. Gibson. 'The Miss Brownings? Oh! I am so glad you named them! I am very fond of them. Pecksy and Flapsy; I may call them so in Molly's absence. I'll go and see them before I go home, and then perhaps I shall see my dear little Molly too.

The venerable Mother of the Republics is scarce a fit subject for flippant speech or the idle gossipping of tourists. It seems a sort of sacrilege to disturb the glamour of old romance that pictures her to us softly from afar off as through a tinted mist, and curtains her ruin and her desolation from our view.

But how many excellent persons are made the butt of ridicule, or tossed about as the playthings of a gossipping spirit, which, incapable of a direct charge, gratifies its malignity by infusing calumnies into the too listening ear of prejudice.

I hope at last to be able to get some grip on him; though no doubt my chances are not improved since yesterday," said Meynell, with a grim shadow of a smile, "supposing that anybody from Upcote has been gossipping at Sandford. It does not exactly add to one's moral influence to be regarded as a Pharisaical humbug." "I wish I could take the business off your shoulders!" said Flaxman, heartily.

You find, generally speaking, cobblers happily employed in cobbling shoes, women gossipping cheerfully over the washtub on the spot where a hundred years ago, according to the guide-book, a thousand men dressed in blue and a thousand men dressed in red rushed together like quarrelsome fox-terriers, and worried each other to death. But the field of Waterloo is little changed.

I don't know how it was; but one day, as I was standing listening to a gossipping married woman in one of their squalid, respectable parlours, and she was declaiming and denouncing and pouring forth anecdotes, suddenly quite suddenly I felt as if something had struck me. I turned sick and white and had to sit down.

"Tell me, please," he began; "Marya Dmitrievna has just been talking to me about this what's his name? Panshin? What sort of man is he?" "What a chatterbox she is, Lord save us! She told you, I suppose, as a secret that he has turned up as a suitor, and so far, there's nothing to tell, thank God! But already she's gossipping about him." "Why thank God?"

The women were gossipping together, and the children amusing themselves in sports becoming their age, while the soldiers were ranged in double files, extending from a large chair or kind of throne placed near the body of the tree, thus forming a lane, only by passing through which could access be had to it.