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What is there in this whole city more brutal than that restaurant? Day and night, day and night, to see but one thing to see flashy, overdressed, fat and vulgar men and women gorging themselves! Oh, this will teach me to feel this at least! I go about with my whole being one curse of rage I could throttle them! And to bow and smirk and lackey them all day! All day!

The clergyman looked after her half in sadness, half sarcastically; he was thinking that he had discovered a monster also. At present the body of the hall was empty, but its sides were lively with gorging boys, among whom ladies moved, carrying platefuls of good things.

It was the Jew, beard-scrabbling and fidgeting among his horses, who reminded him that when the full moon shone most of the populace, and most of Jaimihr's and Howrah's guards, would be occupied near Siva's temple and the palace. He left his own horses, groomed again, and gorging their fill of good, clean grain in the Jew's ramshackle stable place.

But now he was set up again by gorging for an hour, and chattered as if he had done a great thing. There must have been miles of rough walking through woods, and tangles, and craggy and black boggy hollows, until we arrived at a wide open space where two streams ran into one another. "Thic be Oare watter," said the boy, "and t'other over yonner be Badgefry.

Altogether it was a wild, romantic, and impressive scene. But little recked my men for shadows and moonlight, for crimson tints, and temple- like tents they were all busy relating their various experiences, and gorging themselves with the rich meats our guns had obtained for us.

Attracted by the shrill screams of the mare, a pair of hyenas slunk presently into view. They trotted to a point a few yards from the gorging ape-man, and halted. Tarzan looked up, bared his fighting fangs and growled. The hyenas returned the compliment, and withdrew a couple of paces. They made no move to attack; but continued to sit at a respectful distance until Tarzan had concluded his meal.

A frightful majority of our middle-class young men are growing up effeminate, empty of all knowledge but what tends directly to the making of a fortune; or rather, to speak correctly, to the keeping up the fortunes which their fathers have made for them; while of the minority, who are indeed thinkers and readers, how many women as well as men have we seen wearying their souls with study undirected, often misdirected; craving to learn, yet not knowing how or what to learn; cultivating, with unwholesome energy, the head at the expense of the body and the heart; catching up with the most capricious self-will one mania after another, and tossing it away again for some new phantom; gorging the memory with facts which no one has taught them to arrange, and the reason with problems which they have no method for solving; till they fret themselves in a chronic fever of the brain, which too often urge them on to plunge, as it were, to cool the inward fire, into the ever-restless seas of doubt or of superstition.

The evening camp-fire, the glare of which lit up and made more hideous still my savage followers, gorging themselves until covered with filth and gore. The times when, from sheer hunger, I have, like them, torn up bird or beast and eaten it raw.

Saw the immeasurable panics, noiseless, scintillant, which silver, summer after summer, curved leagues of beach with bodies of little fish the yearly massacre of migrating populations, nations of sea-trout, driven from their element by terror; and the winnowing of shark-fins, and the rushing of porpoises, and the rising of the grande-ecaille, like a pillar of flame, and the diving and pitching and fighting of the frigates and the gulls, and the armored hordes of crabs swarming out to clear the slope after the carnage and the gorging had been done;

They seemed to be very sleek and well-contented foxes; for they were gorging themselves with raw eggs, just as I had been doing, and they were evidently the terror of the birds. I saw one who had managed in some way to capture a duck nearly as large as himself, and was bouncing up the hill to his den, no doubt with the poor thing's neck in his mouth, and its body across his shoulder.