United States or Equatorial Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We must not leave a fellow-creature to die," replied Don; and hurrying forward, he gave a glance toward the mouth of the cave, to satisfy himself that the good-natured boatswain was not there, and then, holding his breath, he stooped down and raised Ramsden into a sitting posture, Jem coming forward at once to help him. "Goes ag'in the grain, Mas' Don," he muttered; "but I s'pose we must." "Must?

When the soaker's last penny has gone, he will receive from the landlord many a contemptuously good-natured gift pity it is that the lost wastrel cannot be saved before that weariful last penny huddles in the corner of his pocket.

As we have shown, he was a devourer of newspapers, but he enjoyed the world's gossip far more when he could talk it over with others, and maintain on the questions of the day half a dozen good-natured controversies. When at the seashore the previous summer he had fought scores of battles for his favorite measures with other ancient devotees of the newspaper.

The upper part of the town was inhabited principally by Greeks, whose sympathies were, for the most part, with the Russians, and who were as quarrelsome and turbulent as the Turks were placid and good-natured.

Mine told me himself that Frank Fordyce was so much displeased with Griffith's conduct that he had declared that the engagement could not continue with his consent. This from good-natured, tender-hearted Parson Frank! I cried out hotly that 'those Lesters' had done this. They had always been set against us, and any one could talk over Mr. Frank. My father shook his head.

Arabin, however, was firm, and, although the archdeacon fussed and fumed about it, would not give way. Forty pounds, he said, was a matter of serious moment to him, and his friends, if under such circumstances they would be good-natured enough to come to him at all, must put up with the misery of a square room.

Masie loved it because when Felix had so many customers that he could neither talk nor play with her, it served her as a temporary refuge as would a shelter until the rain was over and Felix delighted in it because it kept Kling out of the way, the good-natured Dutchman having often spoiled a sale by what Felix called "inopportune remarks at opportune moments."

But in a moment he saw who they were, and the good-natured man entered at once into the game. "Good-morning, ladies," he said, bowing gravely, "I'm very pleased to see you. May I ask your names?" "Mrs. William Penn and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin," said Marjorie, "and we have come to look at your flowers." "Yes, ma'am; they do be fine this year, ma'am. Happen you raise flowers yourself?"

And he made a very fine and elegant figure as he sat there in his grand evening clothes, and I was puzzled to know which struck me most the fact that he was what he was, the seventh baronet and head of an old family, or the familiar, easy, good-natured fashion which he treated me, and talked to me, as if I had been a man of his own rank.

He felt in a pocket for a card and scribbled an address across its back. A trace of good-natured familiarity the first hint of superiority that had marked his manner accompanied his gesture when he extended it in one hand. It savored of the harmless humoring of a childish vagary.