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"I would like so much to say something to you," continued Ailie, "but I'm afraid he will know what I say." "Never fear, Ailie; he's as deaf as a post to our language. Out with it." "Could you not," she said, in a half-whisper, "cut the rope, and then paddle away back while they are paddling down the river?" Glynn laughed in spite of himself at this proposal.

'Pell and I consulted about her, and agreed she was to keep within doors. And then he went on, for he had a suspicion of the real state of relations between him and Lily, and narrated the occurrence rather with a view to collect evidence from his looks and manner, than from any simpler motive; and, said he, 'Only think, that confounded wench, Nan you know Nan Glynn, And he related her and her mother's visit to Miss Lily, and a subsequent call made upon the rector himself all, it must be confessed, very much as it really happened.

I thought there was somethin' else in it," said Tim, carelessly, "for it seems to perdooce oncommon bad jokes in them wot eats of it." "Now, Tim, don't you go for to be sorcostic, but tell us a story." "Me tell a story? No, no, lads; there's Glynn Proctor, he's the boy for you. Where is he?" "He's aboard the wreck just now. The cap'n sent him for charts and quadrants, and suchlike cooriosities.

Here meet land and river, sky and sea; here they mingle and make the marsh. A prairie rolls and billows; the marsh lies still, lies as even as a sleeping sea. Yet what moods! What changes! What constant variety of detail everywhere! In The Marshes of Glynn there was

It was already late in the afternoon, so that the prospects of obtaining a license did not seem favorable. Still it happened that Littleton knew a clergyman of his own faith Unitarian in Benham, a college classmate, whom he suggested as soon as he understood that Selma preferred not to be married by Mr. Glynn.

Connal of Glynn; but the aunt seemed so averse to the match, and expressed this so openly, that some people began to think it would be broken off; others, who knew Cornelius O'Shane's steadiness to his word of honour, were convinced that Miss O'Faley would never shake King Corny, and that Dora would assuredly be Mrs. Connal.

But don't let us waste our time talking about vocations. I hear enough of that here. I want you to tell me about the music-mistress; that's what interests me. And when Father Oliver had told her the whole story and showed her Father O'Grady's letter, she said: 'You know I always thought you were a little hard on Miss Glynn. Father O'Grady's letter convinces me that you were.

Such were Glynn and Ailie. "So they married, of course," you remark. Well, reader, and why not? Nothing could be more natural. Glynn felt, and said, too, that nothing was nearer his heart.

Glynn, therefore, left the management of the line to others, and, taking up an oar, tried to strike it. But he failed in several attempts. "Wait till we haul him nearer, boy," said the captain. "Now, then!" Glynn struck again, and succeeded in hitting it a slight blow. At the same instant the albatross swept over the boat, and almost knocked the doctor overboard.

I think I'll take the other way. There will be a moon to-night. Brother and sister entered the convent. 'You'll enjoy the drive? 'Yes. And he fell to thinking of the drive home by the southern road, the mountains unfolding their many aspects in the gray moonlight, and melting away in misty perspectives. From Miss Nora Glynn to Father Oliver Gogarty. 'June 8, 19 ,