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Not far beyond this fall, the river was found to glide in a smooth channel, worn out of the rock; and at this place they constructed a bridge by which they passed to the other side, and entered into a country called Guema, which was so poor, that they could only get fruit and herbs to subsist upon.

I shall hear the old Aldgate clock strike for the last time I shall take a last walk through the Minories and past the Tower yard, and as we glide down the Thames, St. Pauls, half-hidden in mist and coal-smoke, will probably be my last glimpse of London. We slid out of St.

By-the-by, Anne" here a bright idea seemed to strike the worthy man "what a help he would be to us against the Protectionists! Wouldn't he see the blessing of Free-trade?" Anne smiled, with her finger on her lip to stop the conversation; and they stepped in at the window; Mrs. Harper taking care to glide away, lest they should suspect what she had so unintentionally heard.

With her heart oppressed with fear and pity, the little girl collected her strength that she might glide down from her branch and run away, when a sudden alarm attracted a whole squadron of the insects to the place where she was about to put her foot.

Nothing that Ellen could say to the contrary served to appease his apprehensions, and, consequently, they separated; he to relieve his doubts and fears together, and she to glide, as swiftly and silently as she had just before passed it, into the still and solitary tent. What! fifty of my followers, at a clap! Lear. The day had now fairly opened on the seemingly interminable waste of the prairie.

He had his misgivings, thinking maybe some of the boys would glide out in his absence, or think better of the affair and only put in nickels on the second heat, but the first man the sexton held out the platter to planked down his dollar, and all the boys followed suit, not a man "passed" or "renigged," and when the last drummer had been interviewed the sexton carried the biggest load of silver back to the table that he ever saw.

But Raban had glanced out, and hastily drew the cloth jerkin, patched with green and blue linen, closer through his belt, ejaculating anxiously: "Young Groland of the Council. I know him." This exclamation induced the other vagabonds to glide along the wall to the nearest door, intending to slip out.

She could no longer resist his entreaties: off she ran with him to the banks of the Glamour, where they soon came upon Alec and the man in the act of putting the boat on the slip, which, in the present instance, was a groove hollowed out of a low part of the bank, so that she might glide in more gradually. "Hurrah! There's Annie!" cried Alec. "Come awa', Annie.

She seemed to glide as she spoke over the edge of the bark, and be drawn down into the river. And the little waves lapped against the boat and seemed to sob as they whispered, 'Alas, alas! No sooner had the knight spoken than he knew what he had done. He had lost his wife, his beautiful fair-souled Undine.

The day promises to be splendid, but mists as yet hang over the scene. Leaving behind us majestic cities and suburbs and the confluence of the Rhone and the Saone one silvery sheet flowing into the other we glide between low-lying banks bordered with poplars, and soon reach the little village of Irigny, its sheltering green hills dotted with country houses.