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In bilious diarrhoea, with large brown fluid stools and complete loss of appetite, there is much thirst, and in a few days the dog gets rather thin, although nothing like so rapidly as in the emaciation of distemper.

Frank whistled to indicate his surprise and consternation: "When it gets as rough as that you can take it from me that Percy's mother will hear something simply awful about him before long. He's bound to go from bad to worse; and everybody knows what the end of such an aviator is going to be." "But what under the sun could he be off at daylight this morning for?"

Abe nodded slowly. "Yes, Abe," Morris continued, "I got to go over the story twice over already, and even then, y'understand, my Minnie gets mad because I didn't contradict myself. "Only one idee that woman got it in her head, Abe. If I am out of the house schon ten minutes already you couldn't tell her otherwise but I am playing auction pinocle."

"God be good," she said gently, "to the poor little girl who gets everything she wants!" A few minutes after the light was out and Ellen had gone, Gladys pulled Vera nearer to her. "Wasn't that a silly sort of thing for Ellen to say?" she asked. "I don't think so," returned Vera. Gladys drew back. "Did you answer me?" she said. "Certainly I did."

Hood had abandoned her useless protests; she came and sat by the girl. 'I've no doubt he's gone to the Walkers', she kept saying, naming acquaintances with whom Hood occasionally spent an evening. Then, 'And why need you wait for him, my dear? Can't he go up and see you as soon as he gets in? 'Mother, Emily said at last, 'will you go to the Walkers' and ask? It is not really very far.

"But going to sea, aunty, is not hydropathy " "Don't say that, Rosy; do not say that, my dear. It is hydropathy on a large scale, as Captain Spike says; and when he gets us into blue water, he has promised that you shall have all the benefits of the treatment." Rose was silent and thoughtful; after which she spoke quickly, like one to whom an important thought had suddenly occurred.

Anybody can do a good grocery business here, with the strangers off the boats" the harbor was a lively one "all you have to do is carry a good stock. That's why he gets along so well. But he's drove nearly all the local folks away from him." I listened to this comfortable sail-loft sage, and going back to the grocery store one afternoon took another look at the long, grim-faced silent figure.

Gets worse, I think, as the wedding-day approaches. Trying to drown his apprehensions, I suspect. Funny fellow, Giddings. But he's all right from noon to nine P.M." "I think we'll have to organize a dipsomaniacs' hospital for our crowd," said I, "if things keep going on as they are tending now! I didn't think Giddings was so many kinds of an ass!"

I tell dad it would be just our luck to have our government fail to try to get us, and the bandits might cut our heads off and stick them on a pole as a warning to people not to travel unless they had a ransom concealed about their clothes. But dad says he is out to see all the sights, and he is going to be ransomed before he gets home, if it takes every dollar our government has got.

Well, about every day he writes her a fresh one, and then in the evening he stays later than the rest, and reads 'em to her and you ought to hear grandpa when he gets to talkin' about it!" "He's perfectly right," said Noble. "Perfectly! What does he say when he talks about it, Herbert?"