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"But what's the idea, dear?" demanded Helen, eagerly. "You have some nice invention, I am sure. You always do have." "Another base flatterer!" cried Ruth, laughing gaily. "I believe you girls say such things just to jolly me along, and so that you will not have to exercise any gray matter yourselves." "Oh! oh!" groaned Jennie. "How ungrateful." "Of course you have something to suggest?"

The rooms in the Councillor's house had all been gaily decorated with pine branches; the stove sent out a pleasant glow; and the Hedgehog-mother, in her best cap and a stiff black silk dress, stood waiting to welcome her guests in the ante-room.

He remained there until the agitated rhinoceros became calm, when he crawled slowly back to his seat. "Keep mum," he said, with a very wise shake of the head "I only wanted to have some fun with them folks above us. I swar, I'll bet the whisky they thought I was scared!" Great character that Blowhard. "Hurrah! this is market day, Up, lads, and gaily away!" Old Comedy.

Richie interrupted gaily; "I know just what you were going to say." "No, I wasn't," he defended himself; but he laughed and stopped barking. "It is what you thought," she said; "but let me tell you, I admire Mrs. Maitland just as much as you do." "No, you don't, because you can't," he said crossly; but he smiled. He could not help forgiving Mrs.

Odd how we both put him first, isn't it? The young cub sent me a message that brought me down post-haste, expecting to find him in a state of collapse. Instead of which I found him gaily awaiting me at the station to tell me he had run himself out or some bosh of the kind and it was now my innings, and I was to go in and win. On my soul, Olga, he was enjoying himself up to the hilt."

The city boats with their rounded sterns, gilded prows, and gaily painted sides, are unlike any others under the sun; and a Dutch wagon, with its funny little crooked pole, is a perfect mystery of mysteries. "One thing is clear," cries Master Brightside, "the inhabitants need never be thirsty." But no, Odd-land is true to itself still.

"I'll try not to," she said meekly. The darkness swallowed the smile and the shine her eyes bent on him. If Garth expected a sad beginning he was immediately undeceived. Natalie's invincible spirits launched her gaily on her tale. "I've lived all my days in a Canadian city back East," she began; "too big a place to be simple; and too small to be finished.

How the young faces beamed, and how happy the old ones looked, and what big baskets there were full of good things beside the coachman and behind the carriage! We were soon out of the city, and the birds by the wayside could not have twittered and sung in May more gaily than we during these drives.

They have very short petticoats, and shew very neat legs and ankles, but covered only with coarse cotton stockings, seldom very white; often with black worsted stockings. I have not seen one handsomely dressed woman as yet in France; the best had always an air of shabbiness about her, which no milliner's daughter at home would shew. They are said to dress much more gaily in the evening.

For he was clothed in one of those roomy suits with square shoulders which to the seeing eye are as republican as the Stars and Stripes. His blunt-toed yellow shoes sang gaily of home. And his hat was not so much a hat as an effusive greeting from Gotham. A long time had passed since Mr.