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"Hullo!" I exclaimed to Mr Mackay whom I had accompanied from aft when he went forward on the forecastle to direct the conning of the ship, motioning now and again with his arms this way and that how the helmsman was to steer. "What a funny-looking vessel, sir. What is it?" "That's a Malay proa," replied he.

"What a funny-looking old woman!" was the general verdict. "By the great jumping jingo, they shan't laugh at her!" exclaimed Big Josh. "She's kin hoop skirt and all." His daughters held him back a moment: "Remember! Don't dare invite her home with you."

Some minutes had passed when Wabi spoke again. "I say, Rod, that's a funny-looking thing I found! If it wasn't so hard I'd swear it was gold? Want to see it?" "It's mica," repeated Rod, as another gleam, of "fool's gold" in his own pan caught his eyes. "The stream is full of it!" "Never saw mica in chunks before," mumbled Wabi, bending low over his pan.

These are the scavengers of the plains, and divide their prey with the vultures of the air. At times we passed through villages of the prairie dog, consisting of numberless little mounds, with their owners sitting erect on top. When alarmed, they would yelp and dive into their lairs in the earth. These little rodents share their habitations with a funny-looking little owl and the rattlesnake.

Presently we heard him give a peculiar sound, something like "hew" "hew," which was answered from a little distance, and looking round, we discovered another roof with an ape seated under it. We guessed that it was the female, by her having a funny-looking young ape clinging to her, which she held, as a nurse does a baby, in one arm.

"Well he is a funny-looking Johnny anyway, looks as pale as a codfish and as solemn as a boiled owl. You do collect an odd set of friends; there's that man Foster, who seems to be deaf and dumb, and Murray, who gives me the blues whenever I see him, and then this apparition."

Canon Ebley put on his pince-nez and gave the newcomer the benefit of a keen scrutiny. "I could not say with certainty, my dear. A northerner evidently but whether Swedish or Danish it would be difficult to determine," he announced. "He does not appear to know he is funny-looking," Stella Rawson said, timidly.

She withdrew her hands and stepped back from him, and again he saw in her eyes a flash of the fire that had come into them when she leveled her gun at the three men in the prison alcove. "No, not Kedsty. He would hang you, and he would kill me, if he dared. I mean that great, big, funny-looking friend of yours, M'sieu Fingers!"

The summer months he spent in San Antonio, and while there interested himself with the good people of that town in building an Episcopal church, to which he contributed largely. He was long; he was strong; he was wiry. He was never sick, was always good-natured, never a bully, always a friend of the weak, the small and the unprotected. He must have been a funny-looking boy.