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The temperature of the room in which this bath is taken should be 72° F. Shower-baths cause too great a shock to the nervous system, and they as well as foot-baths must be prohibited. Sitz-baths at a temperature from 110° to 90° F. may be taken just before retiring throughout the pregnancy.

He had not been arrested, nor had he been subjected to solitary confinement, investigations, electric machines, continuous foot-baths in underground cells, or other pleasantries that are well-known to certain folk who call themselves civilized.

Parson Fair had been sternly indignant, and his daughter had quailed before him, and then had come the news concerning Burr. Sage tea, and hot foot-baths, and the doctor's nostrums had not cured her yet. Her very spirit trembled and fluttered at this undertaking; but she could not withstand this fierce and ardent girl who upbraided her with the cowardice and distrust of her love.

But the women had no idea what was the trouble with their feet, and, in many cases, accepted as inevitable discomfort that could have been alleviated by foot-baths, care, plates, and proper shoes. Colds hung on endlessly. Sore throats were common.

If the tachycardia occurs in a patient with arteriosclerosis, especially if there is much cardiac pain, nitroglycerin is of advantage; also warm foot-baths. If there is prostration and a flaccid, flabby abdomen, a tight abdominal bandage may be of benefit. Gastric flatulence, while perhaps not a cause of the tachycardia, is liable to develop and be a troublesome symptom.

Treads and barb-wire cuts are common injuries to the region of the coronet. The preventive treatment consists in preserving a healthy condition of the horn by giving the foot the necessary care and attention in the way of proper trimming and shoeing, and providing it with the necessary moisture by means of foot-baths, wet clay and poultices.

But after that the doctor said it seemed to be too severe and so he has fell back on hot foot-baths at night and cold showers in the morning. But I don't think there, can be any good sound help for him in such a climate as this. I believe we are going to lose him if we don't make a change." Mrs. O. "I suppose you heard of the fright we had two weeks ago last Saturday? No?

It was authentic in Alencon that Mademoiselle Cormon suffered from rush of blood to the head. She confided her ills to the Chevalier de Valois, enumerating her foot-baths, and consulting him as to refrigerants. On such occasions the shrewd old gentleman would pull out his snuff-box, gaze at the Princess Goritza, and say, by way of conclusion:

But after that the doctor said it seemed to be too severe and so he has fell back on hot foot-baths at night and cold showers in the morning. But I don't think there, can be any good sound help for him in such a climate as this. I believe we are going to lose him if we don't make a change." Mrs. O. "I suppose you heard of the fright we had two weeks ago last Saturday? No?

Sitz-baths, foot-baths, plunge-baths, douches, and wet-sheet packings, speedily began to do their work upon Mr. Lane; and what with bathing, walking, hill-climbing, eating and drinking, and making up fast friendships with some of his brethren of the Water Cure, he appears to have had a very pleasant time of it. He tells us that he found that