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We will try and get through the jungle we must get through it, Billy, so come along." "Shall I go first, sir?" said the little sailor. "No, I'll go first. I wish we had lights to look a little further into this hole. Why, Billy, the floor's lava!" "Yes, sir, I thought it was." "You thought it was what?" cried Mark, staring. "What you said, sir."

The settin' room has a good nice floor; matched boards, no hummocks nor hollers, all as flat's one of my wife's pancakes, an' not a knot hole in it anywheres. You jest put your first coat on, brushin' lengthways o' the boards, and let it dry good. Don't let your folks go stepping on it, neither. The minute a floor's painted women folks are crazy to git int' the room.

The feuilleton made an exciting leap forward, as Lizzie watched the blood rush into the "first floor's" cheeks, and ebb away suddenly, leaving her white and tense. "Struck all of a heap, like! I shouldn't have thought meself as she'd look at him! Queer thing, love!" soliloquised Lizzie, as she clumped down the kitchen stairs, and returned to her superintendence of Sunday's "jint."

Porter, "but I fancy we mean the same thing. Here comes Mr. Winfield at last. I will speak to him at once." "Spiel away, ma'am," said Steve. "The floor's yours." Kirk entered the studio. Breaking the News Old John Bannister returned that night. Learning from Bailey's trembling lips the tremendous events that had been taking place in his absence, he was first irritated, then coldly amused.

Lecture room and library, if the layout of that floor's anything like the ones below it." "Yes. I'm a pretty fair door-buster, myself." He looked around the room. "There's Jeff Miles; he isn't doing much of anything. And we'll put Sid Chamberlain to work, for a change, too. The four of us ought to get your doors open." He called to Chamberlain, who was carrying his tray over to the dish washer.

Every security in the Street was down to panic figures and plunging plummet-like to further depths. At shortening intervals over the hoarse shrieks of the floor's tumult boomed the brazen hammer blows of the huge gong, which should sound only twice each day.

They are eyed, they see intensely; they look at each other so closely that you know what they would be doing. You can see them love each other as you watch. As for the people in the street, the real men and real women, as we say, I hardly know how to tell you what they look like through the first floor's windows. They are changed of everything but one thing.

In and in he went, with sliding foot on the soundless floor, and sliding hand along the cold wall on and on, round two corners, past a closed door, and back to that by which he had entered, where, as at the grave's mouth, sat his family in sad silence, waiting his return. "Wife," he said, "we can't do better than to take the only thing that's offered. The floor's firm, an' it's out o' the air.

Cellar workroom we calls Rheumatic Ward, because of the damp. Ground-floor's Fever Ward them as don't get typhus gets dysentery, and them as don't get dysentery gets typhus your nose'd tell yer why if you opened the back windy. First floor's Ashmy Ward don't you hear 'um now through the cracks in the boards, a puffing away like a nest of young locomotives?

She was recovering from her shock and her first horrible fears. "Shall we get him to bed? Carry him back in there?" Jenny asked. "The floor's soaking wet." She had not to receive any rebuke: Emmy, although shaken, was reviving in happiness and in graciousness with each second's diminution of her dread.